What is a SEER | Secrets of All SEERS| By Miz Mzwakhe Tancredi

Published 2023-04-29
Join the School of the CHOSEN (Prophetic Reformation)
Prophetic Reformation happens when the CHOSEN start feeling like they don’t fit in or they were never meant to fit in and there’s more than just who they are.

Matthew 22:14 “ Many are called but few are chosen.”

In this TWO-DAY online course, we will delve into your personal, God given Identity, Calling, his assigned Destiny for your life, and how to identify the Times and Seasons for your assignment. You will grow in revelation on who YOU are, the purpose for which God created you, and how to effectively live the life He made for you to live.

Join us and step into your place as a chosen ONE who lives with understanding of their Identity, Destiny, calling and Times and Seasons.

Date : 29 & 30 June 2023
Time : 8PM (CAT)

Register now on www.drmizschoolofministry.com/

All Comments (21)
  • @-Thobeka
    Man of God my oldest daughter was not feeling well last week, something told me to pray for a glass of water and give her to drink while I was praying something said put your right hand on top of her head and pray, I did that, when I finish saying Amen my daughter looked at me and said Mom when you put your hand on me my whole body vibrated from head to toe but not in a bad way. After that prayer she was healed.
  • @efe3097
    Yes as a seer you will face a lot of rejection and people will be jealous of your gift,even in your family and church. They will wonder how come someone like you was given such an anointing by God. And people will hate you including those God has helped through you.
  • @Eiramilah
    Seers and prophets have a greater need for holiness. "without holiness no one will see the Lord."
  • @RichessLife
    I AM A SEER. AND THE LORD SAID HES TRAINING ME. But I feel a strong urge to always come on YouTube to be trained by you. I feel the LORD is training me through you . And you always say exactly what I want to know
  • I am a seer. I hear the spirit, I see the spirit, I smell the spirit, I feel the presence of a spirit.😊
  • Amen a seer feels the person deceiving you even when they don’t know it
  • @user-tu7yn7hi7l
    Im a seer i didn't realize it was a gift until i seen this video. I j i st thought I was smarter than most. But now I realize its a gift from God to be a seer
  • @darfoster7773
    Also, a Seer possesses off the charts INTUITION, it's my strongest sense by far!
  • "Don't neglect the gift that God has put in you because of rejection." Motivating indeed...Thanks a lot!
  • Thank you so much. My family calls me a cultist and a ritualist, and everyone avoids me like a terrorist😂. You can hide anything from me, I just keep running into things or finding things that people try to hide from without even looking for them. I know God is with me🙏
  • @lanevaw
    Yes I am a SEER!!! I always thought I was an empath, but learned that is a witchcraft term. But I see, feel, hear, taste, and smell what others cant!! I feel everything all the time!!! Thank you for this video. I'm so thankful God led me to your channel last week. I am a partner in your ministry too because you have opened my eyes to so much!!!!
  • My gifts are increasing as I’ve matured and believe after listening to this message that I am a seer and still learning about it. Thank you 🙏🏻 ❤
  • @vanessac6695
    I’m definitely a seer I see things while looking at images, I wake up at 3am to 5am every morning to use the bathroom, I often feel things, sense deja vu repeating, can at times hear or tend to pick up on someone I know through other individuals as if they speak through them. I also see words, names randomly, I sometimes randomly smell things or food even when there is no food around me like PeanutButter etc. I also see visions and have vision pictures. I do believe I am gifted, & gifted spiritually too, I tend to know things before it happens, or through my intuition. I believe I am a seer as well.
  • I know I am a Seer. The first thing God taught me was to be obedient to whatever He says to do or say, because at first I would say no way! It got so strong it scared me, the visions, the feelings, etc. I have been quiet for a long time but lately it has been turned up, way up. It’s like I’ve been given a car but don’t quite know how to drive it yet. I am very happy to hear you on this subject.
  • My 13 year old is a Seer. She knows what people are feeling without them expressing it. Sometimes it blows my mind. It’s a beautiful thing
  • @susanreid3146
    Dear Man of God, I am a seer, I'm not a mature seer. I have dealt with rejection and I want to serve God with this gift.
  • @exile3119
    I have been given this gift but did not have my first encounter with it until around 2002. I passed by this person walking to my car in a parking lot. When I passed him I said hello just to be polite. He said hi but had an evil grin. As I passed him I felt a jolt. Like a pulling. It was so strong it freaked me out. I got in my car and drove out of there as quickly as possible. As I was driving off I just started crying. I didn’t know what that was but I knew it was bad. It took me about 10 minutes to regulate my nervous system. As time went by I noticed that I was more intuitive and just knew things about people and sensed their feelings. Sometimes I can smell rotten odors (and nobody else around me smelled it) and recently learned that it is demonic entities that I was smelling. I’ve also seen demonic entities from time to time. I had to ask the Lord to please give me a break because it was just too much for me. Just this year I let the Lord know that I think I’m ready to continue on with this gift and the other gifts He has blessed me with. I’m glad I was led to your videos because I feel like I can’t share this with people in my life.
  • The rejection part was so hard untill i realised who i was n i become more comfortable in Jesus. Glory be to God
  • I’m a seer, I just didn’t know that’s what it was until I watched this video that Holy Spirit led me to. It’s getting stronger and now it’s almost daily really big miracles, signs and wonders.. but, I’m also just learning, as well. It’s awesome 🎉❤