Secrets of the Seers

Published 2015-07-02
How would you like it if the Lord offered you “divine wisdom” that would transform your life and bring you and your family into the completeness of all He created you for? On this episode of Everlasting Love TV, Pastor Tony Kemp joins Patricia King to discuss how you can receive that kind of encounter, and that kind of wisdom.

Pastor Tony is a humble servant of God who operates in powerful seer and miracle-working anointing. So much of what he walks in has come from divine encounters with the Lord and His angels. You will be amazed by the testimonies and revelation he shares, but even more you will be readied for encounters of your own!

All Comments (21)
  • @mariaxinia
    Pastor Tony prophesied over me in 1998. I’ll never forget. He said, “the fruit of the womb of your children are coming forth, my God woman, He’s going to give you a Samuel. Today I have 15 grandchildren, 1 great granddaughter and another one on the way. The name of my last grandson whose 6, Samuel.
  • I'm the wife she spoke about. I have an unbelieving husband. Recently have started having dreams and visions of him praying to and serving the Lord. ❤️
  • That’s my husband! I’m in tears - thank you so much for that revelation and that word! 🙌🏾
  • Standing in the kitchen, doing the dishes, just listening along... and the weighty heavy power of the anointing came upon me. Yes Lord!
  • @KSitz77
    Wow the Kathy he was talking about is me. I can't believe this! When I saw this I thought, "oh there are a lot of people named Kathy" But, last night I slept like a baby. My memory is suddently much better and I feel better physically today than I have felt in a longggggg time! What a faith builder!
  • Wow 🤩 7 years later and it came into my stream. It was for me today and thank you both HalleluYAH Glory! 🙌🏽❤️‍🔥
  • As a Seer I'm always coming cross small "powerful prophetic " messages that comes to me.........With humility I'm thankful
  • Oh my gosh 7 years ago !! No way this is an on time word for me !!! HalleluYah!! Love them both !!
  • @vivianruiz6214
    Yes I receive for my husband , He will come to serve My God & we will become closer in Jesus NAME AMEN
  • My mouth dropped like wow! 🙏🏾 @22:35 like wow! Like how does he know! It’s 2022 and this video is still relevant! Just goes to show! God knows our end before he knows our beginning! I don’t even know how I found this video but I’m just in awe and appreciate I found this gem
  • @aliakhtar6079
    Hi I'm a Muslim and watching this program was amazing god bless you all with light upon light (nur ala nur) amen/ameen
  • I am definitely a part of revealing the LOVE of Jesus to everyone unconditionally. No matter how I am treated. I try so hard to use the gifts only in humility and love. Green eye jealous spirit chases me constantly
  • I love hearing Tony Kemp teach. Such wisdom in this man , you know God uses him and the Holy Spirit is in him.
  • Hi I have a child that has ADD and she is home right now, has been struggling. She will be starting a new Christian school this coming week. I will wait for a word from the Lord and looking forward to a person who will come into her life and help her with the challenges that she is facing. Praise and Glory to the Lord, thank you for this video :)
  • I am a seer and so glad i seen this ..i couldnt explain what was happening..i understand every part in the bible and he talks to me through people like moses in the bushes..
  • “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.” 2 Timothy 4:3-4
  • My only problem is I can’t hear Him well. Oh how I get envious when I hear people say “The Lord told me” . Will you guys pray for me that I can hear Him perfectly? I love Him too. It’s just hard to obey Him when you can’t hear Him well
  • @tebbybear1923
    Amen it's my husband, I receive the word of knowledge from God the Father. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Jesus my daughter is diagnosed with ADD, attending remedial school. I'm trusting God that one day she will come out of drugs, she is taking daily for concentration. Thank you father. May your name be glorified.
  • @Gigi4loves
    Kathy, I know this is over a year ago, but with God there is no time or space. The word you gave about a child with tensions in the home and that one word from God changes everything, is for me. My grandson is 3 years old and the spirit of anger is upon him. God gave me a word, to intercede over my grandson every day. He will be delivered. This is what I'm doing and standing on.