Patricia King - Secrets of the Seer Anointing

Published 2018-07-30
Want to activate the seer anointing? Would you like to understand how to see in the Spirit in greater ways, and what limits or interferes with seeing? On this week’s episode of Everlasting Love TV, Jamie Galloway joins Patricia King to discuss the secrets of the seer gift. PLUS he releases an impartation for you to accelerate in this anointing today!

All Comments (21)
  • @ryanovery
    I see in the spirit , I am a seer it was nothing that I did the Lord just gave me gifts , I saw the holy spirit he clearly spoke to me he said ‘do not be scared I’m holy’ and then an invisible force swooshed up my nose I fell backwards and water came out my nose and then I fell asleep in a second . Since this receiving of the Holy Spirit I hear the lord audibly and have visions like a video playing but with a huge download of information in a blink . The last vision I had was of 2 huge knitting needles and hands knitting then the lord said ‘I am knitting your future’. 🙏🏽🙌 the lord asks me to pray for people and strangers . I write everything down but I can recall every single vision or dream as though it has just happened x God bless you
  • @davidhaun7163
    They told my mom she had cancer we was at church one night she fell out she come back telling me well I had to walk her back because she couldn't stand up but she come back and told me she believed she was healed and I felt like I had that revelation that she was healed and I even knew that the doctor was going to try to blame it on something else and I knew what that something else was and I believe my mom's going to be okay I believe God has touched her and we just recently heard that she does not have cancer and the doctor is trying to say that it's something else like adrenal gland thing or something like that but it's treatable with medication and she does not have cancer but praise God praise God!!!!
  • Hi, thank you for your message. God has anointed me with the same seer blessing. I haven't been able to talk to, to many people about it in person because nobody knows much about it. I thought I was going crazy and was afraid to talk to anyone about it. Then I went to a prayer room, and when everyone was praying in the spirit is when it was activated the strongest. I had a dream recently that I was stuck in a cave trying to come out. A paper was being passed around a table to sign and I was hesitant. After watching your word and realize it is from God, I hope to be seeing you soon. God bless brother
  • @narrowgate4229
    I had a dream to share: I was in this wetlands and there were dogs, stray dogs all over. Dogs of all breed. These were not mean dogs just starving dogs. This is were it gets scarey. So I look down lying in the watery wetness was a poor white/brown speckled dog alive breathing but it's back legs were missing. They were eaten by the other dogs. I felt so disgusted! I saw these dogs eating at wounded dogs. I took a bucket of dog food at dumped it all out to feed these dogs. These dogs weren't mean in nature just so Staving they began to devour the weak/wounded. I believe the dogs are the people of the world starving for the Word of God! As believers in the body of Christ we must feed them! Edit: I now also believe that they are starved of love, we need to give the LOVE of God to all!
  • @CF-mz2dz
    Holy Spirit thank you for leading me to this video 😭🤯 this explains so much Jesus
  • @lukelee2968
    1 Corinthians 5:3: "Even though I am not physically present, I am with you in spirit..., just as if I were present."
  • @SosoBrene12
    Love this, pray with confidence God reveals his dreams & visions.
  • That's so awesome that he saw in his imagination he was going to walk over to the woman and that the her feet would be healed! I experienced something like that! While in prayer, I saw my boss who had a blood clot, I saw myself with my hands on the site of the blood clot praying for him in his office at work. When I went to work the following day, I told my boss what I saw then asked if I could lay hands on him and pray for him and I was snapped back into the vision I saw in my imagination. What I was doing in those moments were what I saw and the Lord healed him from the blood clot that he had for over a year! Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jamie Galloway for sharing! Very encouraging!
  • My bother ( not a believer yet ) gets upset with me because ( dealing with back,knees hip - walking with walker) I tell him every time I talk to him I tell him God has healed me & I am going to walk normal because God has told me by 7 different people that I will be running around church ( they all told me they see me running.). My brother has 6 cages in his back & doesn't believe God can heal him but that will change because he wil! see my healing
  • @tiffanymay2837
    Thank you so much for this. I knew I had been given this by God to see my dreams me bringing others to him, me seeing ones that had passed etc. I thought I was alone on all this. Today at church I went up for prayer because I started doing things for the wrong way and I wanted that broken she also explained to me the gifting of the seer. So today wanted to look it up in which I found this now I know my dreams even fall in line of this THANK YOU JESUS. Please keep me in prayer with it all that now I know I'm not alone and to start using it for how Jesus wants me to and to glorify him.
  • Nov. 15, 2018; 9:42am I know that I am a “Seer Anointed” by the Lord Jesus Christ himself. One time I saw the Lord, He anoint me from His own blood in his hand. The blood flows from his hand to my head down to my cheeks but the wedding Garment He gave me to wear did not stained by the blood. That garment is still white with alive red and pink flowers on the front top of the gown. I saw the Lord Jesus Christ himself several times, my guardian angels, warring angels, demons, people with demons and what people did in secret that is evil, the prophetic vision of a person etc, etc, etc... The Lord Jesus Christ gave me a wedding garment, two crowns, one big whitish rainbow pearl, a basket full of quail size black rainbow pearls, one black pearl like a size of a regular egg, two big mansions one on the Top of the mountain and one inside the City of theLord, but every time I told people what I saw, they always said that I am crazy or mentally ill. This video and some other videos about Seer Anointing confirmed that I am not crazy. The Lord Jesus Christ himself is my only treasure. Intimacy with Him is my only protection.
  • @LightningSonic
    Thanks Jamie and Patricia! By the way, the ad for Patricia King Institute makes me cry. You guys really move with the heart beat of God and are people I'd love as friends! Blessings
  • @judybradley7678
    I have been a seer since I was a small child. I didn't know that I was though until I an adult. That is when I start to understand what I have and am experiencing. I am learning about it. Thank you pointing out about the imagination. There are I think I am imagining something then find out that I wasn't. This video has encourage me and built more.
  • @tammyjames4223
    Gm Patricia For sharing this word to help us walk with understanding and this anointing
  • greetings everyone, am so so blessed to follow our dear woman of God patricia. pls pray with me because i need money to go to Bible college. quinton south africa
  • @bellahaines
    Not only were we made in the image of God, but he shared his power with us! Poured it out on Pentecost. We have living within in us the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. Let us ask him to help us apply that power to accomplish his will in seeing, healing, receiving wisdom, speaking prophecy, and so on. He came and filled us, to work in us AND through us.
  • In the early 90 's, I was @ church & this woman, I really didn't know in a wedding gown . I thought that was strange. About a year later, she got married @ our church. Now I see things in people ( which can be challenging) & I usually pray for them. The first time that happened , I told the woman what l saw. Needless to say she got upset. I told my pastor at the time & she told me that God was showing me so I can pray for her. I love to see in the spiritual realm
  • @Just-mk3bl
    Yaaay God for the healing of the woman. And thank you Jamie for sharing your incredible story and the seer anointing with us.