American Culture Kills Men's Confidence

Published 2024-05-03

All Comments (21)
  • The USA, where being Tom Brady and Will Smith isn't enough to keep a woman happy.
  • @Xw9669
    Guys u only have 1 life. Figure out what is best for you and take action. That’s all I can say
  • @jstokes5916
    Brothers, go where you are celebrated and not where you are tolerated. ✌🏽 🛫 🌍 🇰🇪 🇧🇷 🇹🇭
  • @MichaelElam2
    Yeah the states are depressing. All i do is work and go home.
  • @princelevi1804
    It’s doesn’t kill my confidence because I know I’m not the problem .I realized this world upside down .
  • @13_Dayz
    The title of this video is accurate af. As a black American man, our women make me feel like I have no chance, I don't have enough money, my career is not good enough, I'm too short, I'm not hard enough, I'm black, I'm too nice, I mean I can go on. If I do get a number it's probably the wrong number, feeling useless and disposable, and so much more. Our women are mean as hell, they'll make you feel like shit if you approach them.
  • @nappyqueen86
    I’m a black American woman and I thank you for your channel. Living like this is not normal and planning my escape
  • @boondoggle4820
    Yep, it’s still like a plantation mentality here in the US, where you’re made to feel bad or feel like a criminal for approaching women or desiring women. This country still carries the imprint of the massas who established the laws and the culture and most people are too clueless to see it. Leaving this country is literally like leaving the plantation where you get to experience freedom for the first time, and yes I do consider being able to organically, naturally and freely approach women without fear of repercussions for what is really natural basic human behavior to be a matter of freedom.
  • @abram1994ga
    Going thru a divorce bout to put in my passport application when I get paid.
  • @BecauseBroward
    You hitting a LOT of nerves with this one Austin! 🎉😂 Talk the truth! 🗣️ shame the devil!
  • @solohere5608
    You’re not alone Auston. It’s all bad in the states. I’m pretty much done approaching women in the states unless I’m getting crazy choosing signals. Not worth my time, energy or money.
  • @DEMediaDrive
    Good to see he realizes this at a young age and making quick adjustments to make himself and others more successful by exploring options.
  • I was definitely drinking more when I lived in Colombia and Brazil. Because there I had a much richer social life in these countries. Back in the States my life was boring. I work in IT in Austin, TX as a Database Administrator and my life consist of working at an office desktop all day and coming back to my apartment then crash asleep and repeat over and over for 5 years straight. My life definitely changed when I got a remote job as a database administrator was able to travel and live outside of the US. It's literally like night and day. Cost of living, Quality of Life, Social interactions, People etc.
  • @sitoudesouza985
    I spent half of my life abroad and I can vouch: This brother is right.
  • @davidhall3747
    A man’s financial status does not change an American woman’s attitude and personality. As Auston said shes still an American woman. All the American women do is immediately ask the rich man for an asset such as a fancy car, truck or they want you to build them a custom home. I never dated an American woman and have no plans to ever do so. My wife is from the Far East.
  • @fourtywater77
    He has reverse culture shock. I experienced it myself after living abroad a year and a half.
  • @jC-xz7jn
    Look I been living in the Midwest my whole life, I can’t remember the last time I bother approaching anyone, you gotta jump through hoops to get a 7 with a mf kid lol it’s tragic.
  • I've been to Japan. I feel like here in the "States" you have to put on a "Front" with people because people are always "Judging" you & your appearance. Other culture of people I feel like I can be "Myself" around them lol. Their energy is more "inviting."
  • @acking1502
    This sound byte “STFU. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to socialize with women in your area. STFU. Stop saying that 😐” Lmaoo Had me dead, you made sure to cut that part in