Provo Canyon School Part 1

Provo Canyon School claims to have changed since its early days of "cruel and inhumane treatment" of children. But, survivors state otherwise.

コメント (12)
  • I was there for 2 years 2003-2005 and those years were rough! the abuse, the corruption, the crazy diagnosis. I am actually angry that places like this exist, I should have sued them. it was incredibly violent and its no wonder why kids leave there more messed up then when they went in
  • @amythaa
    My number was 316, and I was there for 8 months from October 2000 till June of 2001. A short stay in comparison to many of the other girls there at the time. This was due to the fact that I was about to turn 18 and my parents couldn't afford it any longer. I was immediately prescribed and overly medicated on Seroquel and Trazadone for my "oppositional defiance disorder." While there I was "dial 9'ed" for being "out of control" a few times. I was restrained forcibly and taken to the observation room and given a injection in the buttock muscles with Haladol to control my "insubordinate behavior." I was not allowed to wear any sort of clothing that displayed any bit of who I was, no clothes that displayed a band or any brand was allowed. The clothes that I was sent there with were not approved as appropriate, I wasn't even allowed the DISNEY sweatshirts my mom sent me after she was told that I'd need to be sent different clothing. They claimed the 101 Dalmatians and some other character was deemed "un-age appropriate." This was all due to me crying and refusing to continue running in place during gym time after doing so for what felt like hours. They would make us continue running in place unless everyone was running in sync for ten minutes consecutively. I was also put on two programs called "tray watch" and "double portions" because of my initial weight coming into the program, along with my struggles with anorexia and bulimia. I was not allowed to leave the dining area until I had finished every morsel of food on my plate. I was 94 lbs when I entered and 156 lbs when I left. I also endured sexual abuse and was often humiliated by a couple of staff counselors while having to go through my nightly "body checks" after showering each night. These were just a small portion of my experiences while I attended PCS. I knew other girls that were subjected to being put on ABSURD, discriminatory, and inequitable standing orders due to their own personal issues and struggles. I have honestly repressed so much of my stay and experience at Provo Canyon School because it was literally pure hell.
  • Hey, what's up Deboer? I was there in Unit 4 with you in 2005! I was the Latina girl from Los Angeles, anyways hope your doing great now. Good Luck and God Bless! You know we've been through something most people couldn't understand, but it has made us the people we are today. Strong. Stay up! ♥
  • i went to provo canyon and was fortunate enough to only be there for 6 months because i then turned 18. it was horrible, i literally could not believe some of the things the staff said or did and some of the punishments. after leaving i subconciosly mentally blocked out a lot of the experience, but i still have bad dreams once in a while, and i still remember a lot of the more extreme things
  • I really hate that # was 741.and My last day was a blessing and i was only in there for 6 months I was in there to 2012 to 2013
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  • I really hate that # was 741. And it;s fuck up i help a kid down a moutian and Dan just gave me was just 1000 points to work off . that was bullshit and they called me a runaway.and My last day was a blessing and i was only in there for 6 months
  • I really hate that # was 741. My last day was a blessing and i was only in there for 6 months
  • the first thing they do is tell your parents that we'd tell them fucked up shit was going on