Baden-Baden Funicular (Mt. Merkur)

Published 2012-12-02
This is the run from the top to the bottom of the Merkur-Bergbahn in Baden Baden Germany. This is a two track funicular railway with a maximum grade of 54%!!! You can see the cable tied to the other car on the left side of center portion of the track. Notice how the cable disappears after the other car passes (at the half way point). This is a popular paragliding mountain in Baden - Wurttemberg. This video was taken October 2011.

Some stats for this guy:

1.2 km - long run
370 m - rise from base to the top of the mountain
1260 m - rope length
180 hp - all it takes to keep the cars moving
30 minutes - How long it took us to figure out you had to hit the departure button (Abfahrt) to get it to go...

In our defense the only signs they had in English were the ones saying how many thousands or Euro's we would be fined if we did anything wrong.

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