EDH v3-0-3 Skimmer Missions using a Python at HIP 50195 C1 - Atwood Base ++

Published 2018-03-24

   • Skimmer Missions in a Python - Part-1...  

Elite Dangerous Horizons: Skimmer Missions from Volynov Colony in 31 Beta Leonis Minoris using a Python and 5x 2B dumb-fire missiles... Skimmers already triggered by landing and using SRV to bring skimmers out. Then shoot skimmers using Python dumb-fire missile attacks. There is an IFC at the station to clear the Bounties.

Those with a second ED account can park an SRV at the base and wing your two accounts so that you don't need to draw out the SRVs when you arrive with your attacking Python.

If you just want to watch the base attacks you can skip the sections where I am sitting and recharging my shields - here are the timings. Click the time point below to jump directly to that point in the video:

00:00 to 01:30 - Base Attack
01:30 to 04:15 - Shield Recharge
04:15 to 05:15 - Base Attack
05:15 to 07:00 - SCB used to recharge shields
07:00 to 08:25 - Base Attack
08:25 to 11:25 - SCB used to recharge shields
11:25 to 12:45 - Base Attack
12:45 to 14:45 - SCB used to recharge shields
14:45 to 16:00 - Base Attack
16:00 to 19:40 - Shield Recharge
19:40 to 21:09 - Base Attack
21:10 to 23:45 - Shield Recharge
23:45 to 24:15 - Base Attack
24:15 to 28:00 - Return to Volynov Colony in 31 Beta Leonis Minoris
30:00 to 33:22 - Hand in Missions

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