Elite Dangerous Crystalline Shard Farming at HIP 36601 C1A Bio1 and Bio5 for Polonium

Published 2019-08-09
Crystalline Shard sites provide ONLY G4/G5 mats of the highest grade (FDev still haven't resolved the raw mats grading system). You can therefore farm these and then downgrade them to the lower raw materials... You can gather all but Selenium in this way! Expect gathering to take around half an hour for 150 of each material. You will need to visit two bio sites to gather 150 of each material.

CMDR Exigeous - Short Guide:    • Quickies: High Grade 4 Mineral Gathering  

WIKI with a list of systems containing Crystalline Shards:

HIP 33601 offers these Crystalline Shard sites:

HIP 36601 C1a (0.09G) (154,099 ls) for Polonium
HIP 36601 C1d (0.08G) (154,104 ls) for Ruthenium
HIP 36601 C3b (0.04G) (154,145 ls) for Tellurium
HIP 36601 C5a (0.03G) (154,288 ls) for Technetium. Don't use Bio 11

Also only about 400ly away from HIP 36601:

Outotz LS-K d8-3 B5a (0.09G) (310,420 ls) for Yttrium. Don't use Bio 4
Outotz LS-K d8-3 B5c (0.07G) (310,420 ls) for Antimony. Bio 1 or 3 OK
Outotz HD-J d9-3 B8d for Antimony

A ship with a high jump range (can be achieved with a 'JumpaConda' (mine has a jump range of 78.7LY, although finding a landing spot is harder). You can use the Neutron Star jumps to get there/back quicker as well... spansh.co.uk/plotter
An SRV and DSS are also needed, also a Fuel Scoop!
You might want to fit an AMFU if using the Neutron Stars for higher jump range... although I've been there and back without needing to use one.

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