The Parfuma Collection | Rose Garden Tour | Kordes Roses

Published 2024-06-28
Well I had to try and capture some of my Parfuma collection of roses before they went over. As I mention in the video, this year some of them seem to be going over prematurely. I’m hoping as temps rise they will start to do better as the season goes on.

All Comments (21)
  • Yes, here in Ohio, while the weather was cold, the buds opened agonizingly slow, but then the temperatures went up to between 90 and 95 degrees fahrenheit for more than an entire week and everything speeded up. 4:34 Oh yes, my first 30 years gardening, I was spontaneous, everything together with no regard to color, but now, especially with spring bulbs, I premeditatedly coordinate colors, and for me, that is 90% of the various colors are what I call the "theme" colors, in sync with each other, and 10% is an accent color out of sync with the other colors to grab the viewer's eye. For example, 90% pink and red tulips with 10 % strong canary yellow, and just as lanscape painters guide the viewers eye towards whatever the artist wishes to emphasize, we too can use sparing amounts of accent colors in the garden to draw the eye towards whatever we may wish to emphasize, it may be a birdbath, a garden sculpture, garden seat, whatever. All that said though, the charm of the English cottage garden is it's natural, seemingly unplanned composition, however, a proper cottage garden is well thought out, but looks natural. In my opinion, a proper English cottage garden warms my heart to see moreso than the gardens of grand estates. 6:33 The Bliss Parfuma glows, as if a lantern is inside of the blooms! 8:12 Alas! First Crush is about to get crushed, or as Vita Sackville West would say "hoicked" 😆😆 8:42 Wellenspiel, Nice! Stuffed to the gills with petals, I love high petal count, nice pink also. 10:06 I suspect also that excessive rain/fog/atmospheric moisture also prevents them opening. It's as if dry air is needed to dry and therefore shrink the outer petals in order to pull away and allow inner petals to open up, globular roses being the worst in this matter. But I LOVE GLOBULAR, high petal count roses. I being an antiquarian call them Victorian, Redoute, cabbage form, those who have no interest in the past would call the form a "throwback". 11:58 I may be wrong, but I sense that David Austin shies away from the "danger zone", the danger zone being poor performance that will disgust customers and also avoiding roses that will not bloom until after the second year, whereas Kordes is all out infatuation with soul meltingly beautiful form. My Paschmina Verands is one example of a Kordes rose that quickly fell out of favor with the public because in prolonged wet weather, it's buds will not open. For that reason, I keep her in a massive pot, if rain is excessive, she goes under the roof. Same with Earth Angel/Herzegovina Christiana, excessive wet weather, her flowers will not open. Connoisseur roses,for those willing to work with troubles, not roses for the general public. 12:26 Amadeus, gorgeous beyond words, that would not happen in Ohio, she would freeze down to about 3 feet or lower above the ground. 14:02 Wedding Piano, now THAT is over the top gorgeous. I generally have no interest in white, too much like a blank sheet of paper, but HERE, the white via shading, raking light shows the romantic form most gorgeously and that faint tinge of green, like in Paschmina, that seems to show up in Kordes roses somewhat often, I wonder what ancestor imparts that pale green blush? Long lasting flowers, just like Paschmina, some ancestor that I am sure that Kordes will not reveal imparts that pale green wash and longevity of flowers. With Paschmina, the blooms eventaully dry up, tuen brown and they are still hanging on, finally I trim them off, but fascinating though. I am sure that bright overcast shows the green much better than full sunshine. On my computer, the green is showing to perfection. Alas! I have writtten another "chapter" for a book, had no plan to do so. Thank you For the gorgeous show and tell! Ralph in Ohi
  • Just to confirm I, too, have had blooms forming over weeks and weeks only to eventually open completely spent, leaving no choice but to dead head them straight away. Most disappointing. However, on a completely different subject....did we travel all the way to Germany, through torrential rain, have many of us seen either Tantau's or Kordes' Headquarters , I doubt it. Will we appreciate seeing your videos of both visits? Absolutely! You always make the magic happen, and 'we' are content with the content, so there you have it Lovely Videographer, in your wonderful Garden of Eden. 😊😊🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹😊😊
  • @kater8730
    Wow to Wedding piano! Love the Eden too. I have Pretty in Pink Eden and I just bought Eden Red. I too have limited space to add climbers so I have to control myself and not be tempted.
  • @Ben-ci2vk
    Love kordes roses find they hold up to the sun the best and best for health 🌞 but you can't beat the romance of a david austin roses still the best
  • Geez I’d be happy if my roses lasted two or three days! It’s so hot here in Florida that they last about a day. The sun is so intense here in summer. Thank god I’ll have roses most of the year as winter months are much lower and the sun less intense. Sometimes I wonder how things keep flowering that long😎👍❤️ Wow Amadeus rose is gorgeous!!❤️ ugh I want wedding piano ❤️
  • My roses are doing the same , bud for ages and then going over quick . I’m a year into roses and have 40 plus 35 are DA roses . It’s an obsession for my adhd . Love your Roses and channel .❤ I can’t buy wedding piano, even Rosen Tantau don’t allow or out of stock .
  • All looking good to me Jay Jay. Roses, roses and.............more roses. Interesting how one year varies to another. Also how nature, usually, has a habbit of catching up and sorting things out. I think you should welcome the rabbits into your garden every year, they seem to have done a good pruning job. No?? I'll have to check on that other Eden Rose that I've mentioned to see how it's doing this year. My roses don't like all this heat and dry weather. How much watering do you have to do apart from the pots? Good luck with your next video. P.
  • @soulgirlktf
    Everything is looking so beautiful in your garden, thanks for the tour. Wedding Piano is stunning and only one year old, that is a very happy rose ! Eden is beautiful so pretty and has taken to shrub pruning very well, she looks very happy too. The weather this year has definitely been difficult for the garden. Thanks again for the lovely tour, looking forward to the Kordes video, take care.
  • @goleylla
    Your roses are very beautiful. They’re ahead of mine, which aren’t yet in second flush, as I’m up north in Lancashire. I have an Eden rose too!😍
  • Lovely collection there Jay. Been a strange year for sure. As you know my Brother Cadfael having it's best year ever and about 50 buds/flowers and of course it's very strong scent. Now Retired by DA which baffles me!
  • @dduplis
    Hi Jay Jay, I was anxiously waiting on your Kordes visit video. Your video on your Tantau visit was fantastic. If I missed your Kordes video forgive me.
  • @Raj-hk5hg
    Very impressive roses. Eden rose has very distinctive display, even in my garden among other roses. I have pink Eden (pretty in pink Eden) first blooms bursting to open in next few days. Thanks for sharing such beautiful roses.