Livbtr With Elisa Hallerman Ep 06

Erica Spiegelman and her Co-host Jay Siano are on a mission to cultivate a community of eager open-minded people looking to live their best lives while inspiring the same in others on their new podcast, LivBtr.

About our guest:
Dr. Elisa Hallerman, PhD, JD, is the founder of Recovery Management Agency, the first agency devoted to helping addicts heal their addictions by reawakening their souls, after pivoting from her career as a Hollywood agent and changing the course of her life. Her new book, SOULbriety tackles issues of overcoming addiction to going back to school in your forties and, through storytelling, weaves in comprehensive information about substance abuse, mental illness, eating disorders, grief, suicide, and many other current and important topics. Elisa has studied Soul Psychology with renowned spiritual writer and psychotherapist Thomas Moore PhD, and is currently becoming certified as a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, as developed by Peter Levine PhD. Elisa is a member of The Institute for Functional Medicine, and was a visiting professor at Chapman University for film and media arts. She was also recently a featured speaker at The Meadows Addictions and Trauma Conference 2022.

Follow Elisa on instagram: @drelisahallerman

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