How to Plan the Perfect Event - The Event Expert

Ever wondered how event managers plan events? Want to know a simple stepped process for running your own events...well please take a look at my video and discover my proven 7 1/2 steps to the perfect event.

My name is Chris Powell, The Event Expert. I am an event management trainer and event consultant - which means - I help organisations and individuals become confident and skilled event professionals, able to design, plan and deliver their OWN events. Over the past 20+ years I have trained over 5000 people from the worlds of business, education, the public and charity sectors, sport, tourism and festivals…to run successful events.

I guess I best describe myself as an events groupie - I love events: so much so that I have spent the last 24 years organising, attending, participating and writing about events – I do nothing else – well nearly nothing else !

So what I have done is create a series of In house and on line event management courses based on my experiences of organising events. I will guide you through you the event planning process from concept (the idea) to completion and every stage in between using my own 7 ½ Step Event Planning system. This video will outline my system - by the way, it's the same system I use to run my own events.

My courses are practical ‘how to’ courses. No flannel: only the stuff you need to know to take an idea and turn it into a successful event.

My event management courses are for those new to events and the many accidental or occasional event managers I meet every day (it's not the day job) and will give you a great grounding of the principals of successful event planning – the 'how to' of designing, planning, venue sourcing, programming, promoting and producing great events.

Experience tells me that event planning is not for everyone but I do know that the ability to plan and deliver events is a learnt skill: so with a little of the right kind of help, you CAN become a successful event planner.

Need a little events help? Want to become a great event manager...then drop me an email at [email protected] and or pop across to my website at
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* Or if you would like to sign up to my best practice event planning tips and receive a FREE copy of my 7 Steps to the Perfect Event report then copy and paste this link into your browser:
* Pop over to my website to take a look at my in-house and on line event management courses.

Thank you for taking to time to watch to my video and hope to hear from you soon?.

Chris, The Event Expert