The Four Kinds of Underground Station

Published 2022-11-27

All Comments (21)
  • I'm glad that Jago has finally had the decency to apologise for the overcrowding at Covent Garden! I shall stop writing all those letters to my MP about him.
  • @ZGryphon
    And here I was hoping gateway stations would be the ones where you use them once just to see what it's like, and before you know it you're using the Underground every day, you can't stop, it's only a matter of time before you get into ever more hardcore forms of public transport...
  • @lydan5808
    Gateway stations are notorious for getting people hooked on harder stations.
  • The actual four kinds of Underground station: - True Underground - Underground but it's overground - Why is a station called that? - Bank Ah yes, Olympia with a slab of Overground with a touch of an Underground shuttle...truly a creative Gordon Ramsay recipe
  • @Pauldjreadman
    For some reason this channel is as relaxing as hearing rain.
  • @OofusTwillip
    On the Necropolis Railway, ALL stations were terminal.
  • The four kinds of Jago Hazzard: - Genius comedian - Trams - Why? - Charles Yerkes And these kinds are exactly why we continue to watch. Love you
  • Dear Jago! As a non-native English speaker (born, raised and living in Berlin) with a decade long affiliation to my local railroads, I very much enjoy your playful and meticulous use of your language! Each video of yours not only provides interesting tidbits of your amazing Subway system, but also makes me appreciate your native tongue even more, hoping to improve my own skills in using it. Since I experienced the clogged Covent Garden station as a tourist myself exactly six years ago, I cordially accept your apologies. It's about time for a visit once again - I heard something about a certain new purple line across your city... Cheers from Berlin, Markus
  • @Schmalfie
    "You are the ungrateful corporation to my lifetime of loyal service"
  • @theblah12
    3:16 Somehow, I feel that Northern Line sign probably doesn’t meet corporate branding guidelines.
  • No, the idea of categorising stations had never occurred to me despite commuting on the tube for a dunnamany years. But once you point it out it makes a lot of sense, a very pragmatic approach. And, as you say, delightfully nerdy!
  • @-TheRealChris
    LOVED the cameo in the latest Jay Foreman video man! (and undercover in the previous one) You playing Harry Beck could not have been a cooler and more perfect way to do a face reveal! There's been some cool and special channel crossovers over the years but that just about takes the cake I reckon!
  • Jago's 4 groups: 1. The Tube 2. Transport & infrastructure 3. Because I find it interesting, OKAY? 4. It's my bloody channel, if you don't like it, tough!
  • @highpath4776
    Spades , Hearts , Diamonds and Clubs, with a couple of Jokers.
  • I had no idea that Underground stations were categorised in this way. My categories are 1. Home, with 3 nice pubs nearby 2. Work, with 2 nice pubs nearby 3. Interesting, complicated and historical, with a pub across the road 4. Complicated but interesting. Don't know about pubs. p.s. I'm not going to tell you what to do if the platform is busy, you'll all do it.
  • @globulonz
    Realising you were Harry Beck has raised the quality of my day
  • @CSW18
    I never knew Harry Beck made YouTube videos!!
  • Well I gotta admit, that was a genius way to do a face reveal. On a different channel, and 2 MONTHS AGO, without anyone knowing. Well done mate, well done!
  • I think that Mornington Crescent should be a terminal station. All you have to do is mention the name of the station and it is literally game over. All regular BBC Radio 4 listeners will agree, I'm sure. :)
  • @highpath4776
    " The Majority of Passengers will know where they are going and what they are doing". Well thats deep level philosophy