The Quint: 5 Times Modi's Speeches Stirred up Controversy

The Quint: 5 Times Modi's Speeches Went Horribly Wrong

Video: The Quint
Music courtesy: BigBangFuzz

コメント (21)
  • Still confused how the Oscar committee has failed to notice this man🤔
  • People were fine while they were digging the roads but now they are digging their own grave🙄
  • Modi when something good happens- He starts with ‘mein’ or ‘Hum’ When something bad happens- He starts with Nehru ends with Pakistan
  • @sirAkiliz
    1:50 GOD isn't gonna forgive us for choosing this man as PM
  • Once someone said , " Show me your leader , I'll tell you what these people are ".It's our fate made by us.
  • Comparison of Kerala to Somalia was his greatest blunder in Kerala. No. Of bjp MP/MLAs from Kerala is still zero. The reason why Kerala is one among the best states
  • comparing kerala with somalaya was really funny ... even ur gujrat is no where near to kerala
  • When migrants labours coming back to villages, now BJP giving them mnrega work. This same who was mocking mnrega and now it's the biggest help for BJP
  • When he said “Skill”, I heard it as “kill”. Haha 😆
  • Such a foolish and arrogant pm. Mocking mnrega. One of the best employment schemes of modern India that revolutionised rural wages.
  • Such a educated person, cannot even complete a sentence without a prompter. God bless India.
  • This man on the very first entry into Parliament made a drama of bowing down and touching his forehead to the floor. He is absolute "dramabaz". Shame on us that we re-elected him.