The Donation Box, But Super Shotgun.


コメント (21)
  • And for her neutral special, she wields a The longer the invitation stays in the box, the stronger she becomes
  • @2huDrew
    Lunarians: “We’re coming to Gensokyo!” Reimu:
  • "rip and exterminate, until it is done" "Super Youkai Nest" "Hakkero Division" "Broomstick" "The Maiden's Time is Now" "Gensokyo On Earth" "Maidens Base" "Shrine Gates"
  • @Loner098
    I'm starting to understand why every Youkai and fairy fears Reimu.
  • Doom Guy took the Smash invitation and leave his shotgun for exchange. And thus the story of how Doom Guy got into Smash Bros without his shotgun but with Reimu Gohei instead
  • @12.7x99mm
    The Double Barrel shotgun, invented by Joseph Manton, the father of modern shotguns. Originated In the United Kingdom, the city of London. 1819. The reason behind it was unclear, but it was brutally effective at killing anything point blank. It was issued to CQB units of the Royal Army. Until it was retired. It was then sold to everyone else in Europe years after it's retirement from military action. It then made a name for itself in Sicilly Italy. From farmers protecting their livestock with brute force, they wanted a concealed hard hitting weapon. So they sawed off a shotgun. It was nicknamed "Luapara" or "for the wolf". After the economic boom in the United States of America. Sicillian Immigrants that moved there, introduced the invention across the entire continent. It gained popularity quickly. It's absurd design became iconic to any westerner who saw this in the nearby gun shop or hell, your father who kept it in a closet. Then america asked itself, "What if I saw this double barrel in half?" It's popularity growth was slow but it eventually spread everywhere across the US. It was used by mercs, gangsters, law enforcement for such a while. That it has became iconic. It was so iconic that it appeared in popular movies and shows. Even on local posters. But it declined in the 1920s after the great depression hit. It made having access to guns, impossible. Or anything at all actually, like food or water. After the great depression it managed to climb back up in popularity, by criminal organizations, which of course is bad. But as it reached the 1930s the people became more concerned of the safety of having such firearms. It was banned in 1934 due to it's easy concealment. And hard hitting capability. I wish I didn't know this. I wonder if it will blow up?
  • "No more incidents if the root is eliminated" - Reimu probably
  • They just give me 4 bullets with no chainsaw. -a Hakurei journalist
  • "The right tool for the right job!" SMASH THEME PLAYS
  • Somewhere out there, DoomGuy is beating demons with white streamers tied to a wooden stick.
  • Touhou: loads the shotgun with malicious intent Everyone: Oh no