Dr. Alan Finkel AO | Energy: Australia's national hydrogen strategy

Dr Finkel commenced as Australia’s Chief Scientist in January 2016. He is Australia’s eighth Chief Scientist. Dr Finkel has an extensive science background as an entrepreneur, engineer, neuroscientist and educator. Prior to becoming Chief Scientist, he was the Chancellor of Monash University and President of the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering (ATSE).

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コメント (12)
  • LOVE HOW THIS MAN EXPLAINS THINGS. We have more than enough energy, we just need to change the way we live. We don't need to live and work like ants. Nature has given us everything we need, We need to live with nature not against nature.
  • Good Presentation from Prof. Finkel. Can't Support Latrobe Valley Coal/Hydrogen. However Wind/Solar/Hydrogen in same Location OK. Shame we can't see the Slides/ Video?.
  • Really this is the greats deal i have been research about this before stunami came in my home town at indonesia as my country
  • @Drakesy
    But electric cars, solar and batteries do all these things combined? Hydrogen buses have evaporated in use due to expense.
  • it does seem like a very viable solution to the freight systems i hope we can tap into it quickly and it won't be forced into the everyday family car to keep us at the servo paying top dollar just to move around. once a global market for hydrogen is fully established i doubt there will be much of a demand for "green" hydrogen. not to mention that solar and wind aren't as environmentally friendly as they are made out to be with short lifespans and non-recyclable materials such as the 4 tons of rare earths per wind turbine, silica in solar made from high grade quarts and coal, these renewable energy sources are made from mostly non-renewable and non-recyclable materials.
  • sounds good, but the challenge is huge to reduce the price, can they do it for 1 dollar a kg, I have massive doubts, but the benefits are if they try and fail, the renewable energy can be directed into the grid or if they do it in northern Australia tghey could set up transmission and sell electricity into southern Asia.
  • Hydrogen is the only right energy carrier on the earth in the present era. No other variant. In far future, hydrogen is the necessary prerequisite for new future fuel of energy. It is the mass. Any mass materials can become fuel for energy by the similar formula E=mc2. To convert compound material to energy, it is comfortable firstly to split compound materials to the simplest form- the hydrogen, then convert hydrogen into energy with more percentages. Nuclear fusion reactors can generate energy from hydrogen (isotope), but it is only a very partial case of human known form of converting material to energy by E=mc2. Hydrogen is not only the most abundant element in the universe, but also the most simple basic element in the universe. So hydrogen is the key factor for almost future high energy technologies. It is now the time to stop any doubts about up-coming hydrogen era. It is right now the time to accelerate and race hydrogen economy and technologies. There must be now 2 waves for hydrogen : 1/BUILD HYDROGEN PRODUCTION FACTORIES FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY STATIONS, AND EVEN FOR NUCLEAR ENERGY STATIONS, FOR NUCLEAR FUSION ENERGY REACTORS. If build networks of regional hydrogen production factories, then any townhouses will have small stable lucrative business of selling electricity to network of hydrogen production factories anytime by equipping household small solar farms (200m2) very cheaply because of no batteries. All cities can go to the new global trend of CITY RENEWABLE ENERGY ORIENTED ARCHITECTURE, in which all roads will have photovoltaic top roofs at the centers along roads with roof pillars along center lines of roads. CITY RENEWABLE ENERGY ORIENTED ARCHITECTURE urges installing all renewable generating devices/systems anywhere, then sell electricity to networks of regional hydrogen productions factories. Any city houses and buildings can install photovoltaic top roofs to automatically sell electricity to networks of regional hydrogen production factories, and no problem of wasting excess energy, no battery necessary. 2/ In storing hydrogen and distributing hydrogen, we must use standard sized compressed hydrogen gas canisters parallelly with other methods, for example, pipeline transfer and hydrogen liquid storing. Produce standard sized compressed hydrogen canisters. Distribute standard sized compressed hydrogen canisters everywhere. Buy hydrogen by exchanging empty standard sized canisters for standard sized full compressed hydrogen canisters. This method of exchanging is not the most effective, but is the easy and reasonable way to distribute hydrogen anywhere. Any mini shops can be warehouses for hydrogen canisters. For example, a mini shop can store 300 standard sized compressed hydrogen canisters. If it does 50 exchangings of hydrogen canisters per day, then it is normal small retail business. Motorcycles and human sized robots and machines require only comfortable small sized compressed hydrogen canisters. I guarantee that producing compressed hydrogen balloons is easier and cheaper than producing AAA batteries. Hydrogen can seep through small gaps of cheap material, but if hydrogen leaks 1gr-10gr per month for balloon 1kg, then it is not a problem. We can not build hydrogen loading stations anywhere, we can just build hydrogen loading stations in important places, but we can distribute hydrogen canisters anywhere in any angles of societies. Hydrogen has energy storage coefficient, which is nearly the maximum limit for all known chemical mechanisms. It means that ALL FUTURE POSSIBLE CHEMICAL BATTERIES WILL HAVE ENERGY STORAGE COEFFICIENT LESS THAN HYDROGEN. So . ANY HUMAN SIZED MOBILITY ROBOTS AND DRONES MUST BE POWERED BY HYDROGEN. A lot of army vehicles must be powered by hydrogen too, because of efficiency, even without counting environment profit. The most economic fuel for passenger aircrafts is hydrogen. New concept of hydrogen battery, which is the combination of hydrogen production factory + hydrogen fuel cell module. In very compact small spaces, people still can not construct hydrogen batteries. But in larger spaces, for example in areas of energy plants, people do already can construct hydrogen batteries. Should note that hydrogen battery has best energy storage coefficient, best energy converting coefficient, best energy powering coefficient for almost future possible chemical batteries. It means that all future possible chemical batteries will have less energy storage coefficient, less energy conversion coefficient, less energy powering coefficient. It also means that all companies, for example Tesla, should take ready hydrogen batteries for energy plants instead of their "mind bogglingly stupid" doing and improving other chemical batteries for energy stations. Many people, especially EU governments still do not estimate enough important role of hydrogen. Hydrogen is the key factor for renewable energy in offshore and building marine society. Far offshore wind energy, ocean wave energy, tidal energy and even ocean solar energy must live with hydrogen. Hydrogen is the key factor for energy-autonomous floating offshore social ocean units too. It is impossible to effectively use ocean energy without hydrogen. HYDROGEN ECONOMY WILL CHANGE GEOPOLICY IN EU, because hydrogen economy is the most reliable way to make EU to be less depended on gas suppliers for winter warming. Best cooking is powered by hydrogen fuel cell, because our traditional cooking creates toxic CO2 + NOx directly in apartments. When we use more renewable energy and turn off fossil stations, we need some reserved solution to reduce consequences of disasters, it is the hydrogen storing and distributing. If we use more nuclear energy or even nuclear fusion energy, then hydrogen is a must have, because it is not effective to continuously vary power of nuclear energy stations, so there are always excess energy from nuclear stations into hydrogen. Hydrogen is best intermediate energy carrier for storing and distributing on the earth, especially when combining hydrogen storing and distributing with nuclear energy stations. Hydrogen is the only possible instrument to import and export renewable energy worldwide. You can not pack all energy of period 3 months of solar farms into chemical batteries, but you can pack all them into hydrogen to sell or distribute hydrogen worldwide. It is normal to setup mind that many renewable energy stations are EXCLUSIVE ONLY FOR PRODUCING HYDROGEN, BUT NOT FOR GENERATING DIRECTLY ELECTRICITY. I think that international corporations, especially EU governments, Japan, Korea should soon cooperate with African countries and middle east countries to build network of solar plants + hydrogen production factories for the exclusive business purpose : producing hydrogen and selling hydrogen. America and China, Australia have very big resources of renewable energy (solar, wind), and they can harness much only with hydrogen, then can be big hydrogen exporters too. Many people complain that it takes so much electricity to receive hydrogen in electrolysis process. Maybe they have offside worry. Electrolysis process requires so much energy, but all energy is transferred into chemical energy of hydrogen with very small loss. In other direction, hydrogen fuel cell extracting all chemical energy of hydrogen directly into electricity with very small loss. The most remarkable difficulty of hydrogen is storing hydrogen. We need some energy to pack hydrogen. But even with that, many detailed countings show that the cost of hydrogen from renewable energy can soon be lower than gas in near future. In the hydrogen economy, battery electric vehicles can be useful too. But hydrogen vehicles can be as popular as battery electric vehicles in the near future when there are much hydrogen production factories worldwide. Hydrogen cars even can be more popular than battery cars. Many people laugh and doubt about the future popularity of hydrogen cars, they list some reasons, for example, high energy cost. But the main reason of the future popularity of hydrogen cars is not in hydrogen cars. The reason is that, people must use hydrogen as the only reasonable artificial energy carrier on the earth. Any comparisons between battery cars and hydrogen cars are no meaning right now, because we do not have hydrogen now. (We have very less hydrogen, and we are still using fossil fuel). But when we tend to stop fossil fuel, then we must produce a lot of hydrogen. Renewable energy is volatile. Nuclear energy can not continuously change power. Energy itself is volatile too, but only energy carriers are stable. We must synthesize our artificial energy carrier, which is hydrogen, when we stop using natural energy carriers, which are natural gas and oils. So we will have a lot of hydrogen in the future. And the question is that what will you do with hydrogen in transport ? The usual answer is that we will use hydrogen to generate electricity to charge our battery electric vehicles. It is acceptable answer, but it is not so good answer. The other answer is that we can use directly hydrogen in hydrogen cars. When we stop fossil fuel, then of course you will charge your battery cars at night time from hydrogen. The forever uncomfortable problem of charging time of battery cars will be the forever reason for a lot of people to use hydrogen cars. Small battery cars have battery weight about 500kg while hydrogen tanks have weight about 40-100kg. And the last thing to note is that, hydrogen is not more dangerous than other gases and petrol. Hydrogen has big energy storage capacity, but when burning hydrogen in accidents, IT DOES NOT CREATE ACOUSTIC DESTRUCTING WAVE TO ENVIRONMENTS. It means that hydrogen burning is less destructive than gasoline burning.
  • While hydrogen may become a significant fuel for transport, it is highly unlikely that Australia will export hydrogen in anything like the volumes in which we export natural gas. Hydrogen is difficult to transport. Liquefying hydrogen uses about a third of its energy. Transforming to ammonia and back also uses energy. It is much more efficient to make hydrogen at the point of consumption. You can make hydrogen anywhere in the world if you have a source of electricity and water. As for making hydrogen from fossil fuels and capturing the CO2, it again makes more sense to transport the fossil fuel to the point of consumption rather than transport the hydrogen. Japan is currently burning our LNG to generate electricity. It would be madness to make hydrogen from natural gas, use perhaps 15% of the energy somehow capturing the CO2, lose another third of the energy while transporting it, then burn it in Japan to generate electricity.
  • Go green Hydrogen all the way. No to fossil fuel intergration. Go ammonia/hydrogen