Maxine Waters Tells Tea Party To Go To Hell

Published 2011-08-21
Soon after she lambasted Barack Obama for skipping black communities on his bus tour, California Representative Maxine Waters goes after the Tea Party for impeding job growth. The comments were made at a Los Angeles community forum.

I guess someone has given up on ever getting the Tea Party vote.

All Comments (21)
  • @KCal1213
    Love my Congresswoman! Maxine is the real deal. She is for the people.
  • Why is ABC leaving out her entire comment "Tea Party Can Go Straight to Hell, and, and I intend to help them get there"
  • @TheMrTTT
    Standing room only? The first lady asking the question...."What is my country going to do for me?" Sounds wait...Kennedy said the opposite. Here's a tip...your high taxes and anti-business laws are what is sending your jobs to Texas. If you follow them there then be prepared to participate in something constructive rather than "community organizing." And the guy making $100k with a Porsche...take a class in personal finances...theres no way you could afford that car.
  • @lacedemonians
    @Bolgernow - I've worked for corporations and small businesses for about 25 years. Every job I ever had was working for someone who had capital to risk and invest. Wealthy men do not "pocket" their capital. They will either spend it, save it in a financial institution, invest it in a market, or start a business themselves. The reason there are suddenly fewer blue collar jobs is that taxes and regulations have chased capital away. Congratulations on your "progressive" public policies.
  • @SpitfireOFatj
    @LambdaKore Wrong. Do you know WHY they are upset? Because the politicians there are protecting the rich too.
  • @scutfargus
    I hope you don't think unemployment is a result of the TEA party calling for lower taxes and a balanced budget.
  • @havebold123
    @LambdaKore I guess Bush and Cheny should have got an award for sending men and women into the wrong war. Secondly, If Obama would have went to Congress to get approval the tea party would have blocked it just like they were willing to send this country over the brink!
  • @SpitfireOFatj
    @LambdaKore I supported Kucinich. The DLC offered us Obama and Hillary. If Hillary had won it would have been no different than if McCain had won. We would all be talking about our invasion and occupation of Iran right now.
  • @cubeOfat
    “Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, your would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid.” --President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

    See also: Tea Party
  • Stupid is as stupid does. Very alarming and very telling. This is the kind of riff-raff that most black people choose to represent them. They don't vote (or think) as individuals, but as as a mob.
  • @newalm
    Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, same old shit! When will people wake up that politicians do not create jobs!
  • @Bboop4444plus
    Called Rep Waters office. Asked that she not use such hateful words to her crowd, "The Tea Party can go to hell." That worries me so I asked respectfully she not show such hatred and that I have attended several Tea Party Rallies and they are wonderful people. The difference is they want small gov, she wants big, centralized gov. They believe in individual liberty and responsibility, she believes in gov controlling that. They believe in capitalism and she believes in socialism/marxism.
  • @sdh41
    @1:22 - The guy was making 100K a year, driving a Porsche 911 Carrera, had a house, and now he's homeless.

    Question: Why didn't he save some money? Maybe drive a Honda Accord instead of buying that Porsche? What else was he squandering his money on? Isn't that part of the reason the US is having the issues it's having?

    Just wondering...
  • @computerpurple
    The first woman speaking say's..."What can the country can do for me and the people in this room"...WHAT??? Oh so sad when one puts ALL their happiness into thinking that ones happiness comes from government.
  • @brannoncpa
    Ms Agcaolil wants to know: ..."what the country can do for me?"

    I'm not thinking these folks belong to the party of JFK.
    (Inaugural speech - 1961: "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.")
  • U.S.G.S. seismologists have confirmed that the quake felt in Washington, D.C. yesterday was caused by the Founding Fathers rolling over in their graves.

    Film at 11
  • @olbermannhater
    @Bandaloope Reagan tax cuts, deregulation and the reduction in government spending got us out of the recession. By 1983, America had begun its longest peacetime economic expansion in history. When Reagan left office the economy was growing at a rate of 4.1 percent -- compared to 2.1 for Carter. Unemployment was listed as 5.5 percent. Employment growth was 2 percent per year and had been since 1985, which is about the same as it had been under Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson.

  • @SpitfireOFatj
    @LambdaKore Oh sure, let's go ask a current KKK member if they plan to vote for the Republican or the Democrat.

    They'll probably say, "Neither, I'm voting for the Tea Party" (As if it's an actual party)
  • @cubeOfat
    @WYJT This isn't about simple disagreements. This is about the GOP / "Tea Party" manipulating people such as yourself into voting against your own best interests, and actively working to destroy the country. Yes, I can give examples, but it's not like you'll accept them anyway.
  • @SpitfireOFatj
    @LambdaKore The Reagan years only benefited the rich.

    The rest of the country not only didn't benefit from it but they saw the destruction of our manufacturing sector in favor of the notion that America should be based on office work and not manual or skilled labor.