Maxine Waters Tells Tea Party To Go To Hell

Soon after she lambasted Barack Obama for skipping black communities on his bus tour, California Representative Maxine Waters goes after the Tea Party for impeding job growth. The comments were made at a Los Angeles community forum.

I guess someone has given up on ever getting the Tea Party vote.

コメント (21)
  • @KCal1213
    Love my Congresswoman! Maxine is the real deal. She is for the people.
  • @LambdaKore Those charters I mentioned are non-union schools. I'm not sure if the Atlanta school teachers were unionized. Actually, union teachers get fired at a slightly higher rate than their non-union counterparts. A fact most people ignore.
  • @kbar8888
    @LambdaKore In KC the state came in and spend $9B to rebuild the schools. The even bussed whites in using taxi cabs because it was cheaper than buses. This $9B experiment was suppose to raise black tests scores and increase integration. After 10 years, black tests scores hadn't moved a jot, and integration was less than before. Unfortuantly throwing money at the problem, which we've tried for 30 years, isn't the answer.
  • @2360mrtom
    In 2002, the poverty rate in America was about 12 percent. In 2009, it was about 14 percent, up two points despite more than $4 trillion in welfare spending over that period. Medicaid, which counts for $276 billion this year, an 87 percent rise in 10 years. Food stamps are also big, up a whopping 256 percent in nine years. Child nutrition programs are up 82 percent, low income energy assistance is up 190 percent Immigration iilg & legal w/ kids up 57% Maxine & co- the real Jobkillers
  • @2360mrtom
    In 2002, the poverty rate in America was about 12 percent. In 2009, it was about 14 percent, up two points despite more than $4 trillion in welfare spending over that period. Medicaid, which counts for $276 billion this year, an 87 percent rise in 10 years. Food stamps are also big, up a whopping 256 percent in nine years. Child nutrition programs are up 82 percent, low income energy assistance is up 190 percent Immigration iilg & legal w/ kids up 57% Maxine & Co- the real Jobkillers& marxist
  • Each welfare recipient should be required to go to ten working taxpayers once a month and ask for one tenth of their welfare benefit in cash, then thank the taxpayer. I don't imagine the system would work for more than one or two months.
  • @LambdaKore Obama pulled a Clinton. America voted for a kick ass Liberal and ended up with a moderate who begs to conservatives and can't understand why giving them what they want isn't making them like him.
  • @newalm
    Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, same old shit! When will people wake up that politicians do not create jobs!
  • Why is ABC leaving out her entire comment "Tea Party Can Go Straight to Hell, and, and I intend to help them get there"
  • this is who california voted in. Ha! no wonders why the whole state if bankrupt and going to hell! I made 100K a year and did not save a dime for times like these! damn them republians for not paying for my porche and my house! 100k a year does not mean go buy the most expensive things you can find. i make a lot less then that and have enough saved to last me quite sometime if l lose my job. Such a waste of someone who probably had something to offer at one point...........
  • @scutfargus
    I hope you don't think unemployment is a result of the TEA party calling for lower taxes and a balanced budget.
  • @unclefixer
    I'm gonna translate for Maxine Waters, I'm a liberal, I can't balance a check book, I am ignorant about the constitution and don't give a rats ass that we are 17 trillion in the hole and the economy is in the toilet. I just hope all these "ignorant people" don't figure out we are responsible for their hardships, because I might have to get a real job and thanks to me, there are none.
  • @Bolgernow - I've worked for corporations and small businesses for about 25 years. Every job I ever had was working for someone who had capital to risk and invest. Wealthy men do not "pocket" their capital. They will either spend it, save it in a financial institution, invest it in a market, or start a business themselves. The reason there are suddenly fewer blue collar jobs is that taxes and regulations have chased capital away. Congratulations on your "progressive" public policies.
  • @LambdaKore "When's the last time you saw a violent mob of Republicans rioting and looting and burning?" Iraq. They don't do things small.
  • @Bandaloope Reagan tax cuts, deregulation and the reduction in government spending got us out of the recession. By 1983, America had begun its longest peacetime economic expansion in history. When Reagan left office the economy was growing at a rate of 4.1 percent -- compared to 2.1 for Carter. Unemployment was listed as 5.5 percent. Employment growth was 2 percent per year and had been since 1985, which is about the same as it had been under Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson.
  • @LambdaKore I guess Bush and Cheny should have got an award for sending men and women into the wrong war. Secondly, If Obama would have went to Congress to get approval the tea party would have blocked it just like they were willing to send this country over the brink!
  • @LambdaKore Easy, the banks bundled the loans and sold the debt for a commission. The more loans the more they made, the higher the purchase price, the more they made. Eventually they had the appraisal value of property inflated by three times what it was worth and were lying about the incomes of the customers just to put the deal in the pile with the other bundled debt for the commission. They then had the nerve to bet the whole thing would fail to make even more money.
  • Called Rep Waters office. Asked that she not use such hateful words to her crowd, "The Tea Party can go to hell." That worries me so I asked respectfully she not show such hatred and that I have attended several Tea Party Rallies and they are wonderful people. The difference is they want small gov, she wants big, centralized gov. They believe in individual liberty and responsibility, she believes in gov controlling that. They believe in capitalism and she believes in socialism/marxism.
  • @mneal1000- want to solve the crime? FOLLOW THE MONEY! the "Federal" Reserve lent $16 trillion to both domestic and overseas financial institutions from Dec. 1, 2007 - July 21, 2010. More than $3 trillion dollars were lent to overseas financial institutions in numerous countries, including in the U.K., Germany, and France. banks who created the crisis were rewarded - including nearly $8 trillion to banks like Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, Merill Lynch, and Bank of America.
  • @LambdaKore Because like I just told you they have not shown any significant results. Even Bill Gates admitted in a recent L.A. Times interview that there was no correlation between good schools and a non-unionized school. His researchers concluded according to him, that good quality teachers were essential. But what he wouldn't say is that takes money. No one is motivated to work 9 hours a day for that kind of pay. And many teachers work in the summer too.