
Published 2022-07-21
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Zhao Xintong successfully sniped Selby with two sharp far-offs
Is this the defense that Selby bought for his 90-second long test? It is simply underestimating Zhao Xintong's accuracy against the sky [Feng Feng watching billiards]
Thai teenager super god one shot:
   • 台面只剩1颗黑球,小将这样绝杀有错吗?对手铁青着脸离开赛场【看台球的冯冯】  
Rare wonder 11 red balls blocked bag:
   • 斯诺克罕见奇观,11颗红球堵袋口,球员无从下手,裁判看着想笑场【看台球的冯冯】  
O'Sary won the championship with two goals:
   • 落后60分,对手再打两颗球就可以夺冠,看奥沙利文如何力挽狂澜?【看台球的冯冯】  
O'Sullivan left hand 5 times a minute:
   • 神一般表演!奥沙利文一分钟5次左手,场边塞尔比会是什么滋味?【看台球的冯冯】  
The 30 most amazing goals of all time:
   • 盘点斯诺克史上30大神奇进球,精彩指数超出想象,每杆都难以复制!【看台球的冯冯】  
O'Sullivan's 1-point lore:
   • 落后63分两颗球贴库,奥沙利文如何做到1分绝杀,上演绝处逢生!【看台球的冯冯】  
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#snooker#Feng Feng in the pool#Zhao Xintong#Selby

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