Published 2023-06-05
In my defence, all the clips are already available uncersored online

Song: "Do It All The Time" - IDKHBTFM
Editing by me

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All Comments (21)
  • Remember when those who identified as lesbian / gay asked that they be treated equally under the law ?
  • @ghulstavo4489
    An entire month of celebrating dysgenics. Oh lovely.
  • @baizawai
    It's quite fitting that they call it pride.
  • @80s_vampire
    “Pride” is simply now the train wreck that we cannot help but gawk at. Like a Kardashian flailing around to maintain relevancy, but in the end is just boring. Great vid.
  • The young woman was being joined by her young man. By her lover; this was instantly clear. Of course you saw it all the time these days (down town, anyway), straights kissing in public, on the lips and everything - open mouthed even with tongues, like a demonstration. Cleve was only thirty-eight, but in his lifetime people used to go to fucking jail for doing that. Straight Fiction, Short Story from the collection Heavy Water by Martin Amis Published 1999 If it isn't clear, the story outlines a world where everyone is 'gay' and it is illegal to be 'het'. This isn't the only thing he mentions, he also prophecizes the normalization of pedophilia.
  • The worst part of all this is how it makes me shudder at rainbows. You ruined everything!
  • @Scylithen
    Po keeps on rando posting now and then...
  • @saldownik
    The fact that neither the average people nor the societies seem to grow wiser as the time marches on is worrying. As the tools we use grow exponentially more powerful, how will we be able to pick a stable path into the future?
  • Well that's motivated me for war better than any speech William Wallace could have given.