Medical Volunteer Says Joel Osteen Has Armed Guards Refusing Access To Donations

Publicado 2017-09-01

Todos los comentarios (20)
  • And people will still make excuses for Joel Osteen for this action. I rather let a small church help than these mega churches.
  • @Sheilan40
    One can tell that Joel Osteen does not want to be bothered with all this hurricane shit...
  • @blackymadd336
    Joel Osteen is the white version of Creflow Dolla.
  • @sasss5313
    Joel you don't need armed guards...remember what u said ...God got this
  • @Bloombaby99
    This is why I'd rather give to the churches that are actually doing something for the community.
  • @lannak21
    Joel Osteen is showing his true colours. All he is thinking about is GREEN GREEN GREEN ...
  • @barbiek6980
    "What does it profit a man to gain the world, but lose his soul"!!
  • @SAVxV6
    Joel Osteen couldn't even pretend in front of camera... Just imagine what goes on behind the Camera 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
  • @sheabarber1176
    He look mad as hell, on that video, especially when the lady said, THEY COMING IN BY THE BUS LOADS, his body language spoke volumes,
  • @pcrowe75
    If he does not want the donations in his precious church, let the local charities, food banks, and churches that really care about the people, come and get the donations and distribute it to the people. Joel Osteen, God works in mysterious ways. You would have known that you would get exposed this way.
  • @daybyday0731
    So disappointed in Joel osteen 😤 now I see what people truly meant about him was true
  • @Do4SelfRecords
    But this is what yall worshipped....... Ceasar Borgia.
  • @charissew4798
    people needs to stop supporting these false profits. This just angers me. you hold donations and food from people, shame on him
  • @MicheleBohmke
    Guns in churches, and that's one of the last places you'd expect armed guards.
  • @eaglewatch2815
    You are so right! Don't cast your eyes on man. We need to keep them on our Lord. We will be disappointed with man but not our Lord
  • Don't let Joel Osteen pray for you as he seams to be satanic and evil, however, WE should pray for him and his family in the name of our savior Jesus Christ. Amen
  • @angiemaq
    I was in the hospital one night. I had had a good day. I kept all of my food down and my good meds were kicking in. So, I flipped on the television looking for something good to watch and I came across Joel. I started watching this man and he started talking about his daughter. He was crying talking about how beautiful she is with her "blond hair and blue eyes". Uhhh what?? Really Joel?? Ok. I knew then and there where his heart was.