Court rules in favor of Hobby Lobby

The Supreme Court ruled on whether or not some private companies must pay for contraceptives for employees.

コメント (6)
  • To bad they said no. I was going to have taxpayers buy me Ray Ban sunglasses (to protect my eyes), Organic Foods (because they don't have pesticides), Beer- Wine and Chocolate ( I heard that they're good for me), Multivitamins and protein powder with a GYM subscription ( I guess exercising is good for me) , a Trek Road and Mountain Bike (for when I don't feel like going to the GYM), a Handgun (for protection against crazy people), and a Chevy Camaro (so I don't have to walk on the streets).      All of these are Beneficial to my Health.
  • this is a blanket ruling..... he is full of shit. You CANNOT quantify a "closely held" company especially now that the term has been used before defined. 
  • @tski3458
    So, they would rather have more pregnant employees ? Do they have those benefits? What about the women that a unwanted pregnancy could be a life threatening issue? should they stop having sex? It is wrong that an employer has so much power. They can now do what our own government can't. It also seems more of the same in politics. A conservative court is attempting to undermine personal freedom.  What freedom will we give up next? Ladies.... don't forget to vote. Pay special attention to the those who want their ideas to be yours, if you like it or not.