Did This Classified CIA Document Hide The True History of Humanity?

Published 2023-04-21
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In 1965, Chan Thomas published The Adam and Eve Story, a book which explained that magnetic pole shifts were responsible for the destruction of numerous civilizations, and that the truth behind the story of Adam and Eve was in its symbolism. Allegedly, a set of tablets inscribed with ancient glyphs tell a tale of global cataclysm on a literally earth shattering scale; and the next one is coming soon. Was Chan onto something? Did the CIA really cover up his work? Or are these just the ravings of a madman? Welcome back to The Lore Lodge...

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All Comments (21)
  • @doodybird5766
    An archaeologist friend of mine who is dead now, told me about caves high up on mountains where they found bones that were completely smashed, crushed up together at the back of the caves. The bones were of animals of all kinds.. tiger, apes, human, and even aquatic life, etc. He said it was like everything was scrambling to get to safety and none of the bones showed any kind of predation, it was almost like everything in there was terrified and just trying to hide and were all killed by an extreme force and he said the only thing thst could smash everything together like that would be water rushing at at an extreme rate. He said that even fissures up on these mountains had the same kinds of bone smashed up inside them but he was not allowed to talk about it, he said he was warned and would loose all funding for his work if he told what he had found.
  • @ford13091
    This episode gives off vibes of the scene from always sunny in Philadelphia where Charlie says he burns the trash and the trash becomes stars and Mac goes “that doesn’t sound right but I don’t know enough about stars to disprove it”
  • @ls-420stoner6
    I was just thinking about this. With all the flood stories that happened during the Younger Drias, maybe it should be renamed to the "Younger Wetass"?
    I’m a Pennsylvania coal miner, underground there are plenty of fossils, specifically a kind that we call pot rocks, they’re fossilized tree trunks, there are hundreds of them, 95+% of them all standing straight up as if they were buried rapidly, perhaps by water.
    man was really out here schizo posting before the internet even existed, a true pioneer
  • We absolutely are not the first civilization to live upon this planet. Years ago i ran a sand dredge, it over time creates it's own lakes , bodies of water. An area i was mining was virgin ground top side was the week before 4-500 year old oak trees, removed so we can pump everything in , location is central florida. At a depth of nearly 100 feet i kept getting metal objects stuck in the suction and had to stop pull up clean it out and go back to pumping sand. The man running the tower where the sand goes to be screened and washed, drove back in the mining area to see first hand what was getting stuck , as soon as he saw it he told us to shut her down that he needed to call the plant manager it was 3; 30 IN THE MORNING WE HAD THE NIGHT SHIFT, with in 1.5 hours we had federal agents all over the plant, in fact they had the entire plant shut down for several days, what we found was proof positive of another civilization before us , unless they had computers 5-6 hundred years ago and had the ability to bury it 100 feet down, thats what was in the mess that we cleaned out of the suction head, desk , legs electronic parts, they searched our cars before we left the grounds, it was not the first picnic for our boss man they must have scared him in the past
  • I'm at the age where the first Chan that came to mind was Jackie. And I couldn't think of another. But very clever, Aden.
  • @William.Kelly7
    If he ever had a security clearance then everything he ever writes he's supposed to submit to a Security Office for review prior to publishing. He likely ignored that and published his book, knowing it'd be pulled to add legitimacy to his theories.
  • @GizaByrd
    It's worth making the distinction here between a magnetic pole shift and physical lithospheric displacement - people seem to use these two terms interchangeably as "pole shift" but in reality they are very different phenomena.
  • @kyledamron
    She's shifting on my poles til I cataclysm... LOL what a start to a video
  • @aaronrubin3899
    Interesting. I studied archaeology and history in college. I can honestly say there is more that we do not know than what we do. Theories deserve a chance to be researched, and with research - comes scrutiny. I am unbiased and always look into every theory. It's hard to tell, but in archaeology we look for patterns. Since so many cultures have flood myths, it could mean something major could actually have happened. I do believe there is archaeological evidence of a flood and I think some of my professors talked about it. However, I don't think they publicly announce it due to academic fears. It's pretty clear. But mainstream academia appears to be convinced of one narrative.
  • @user-xt7yz7qm9c
    Firstly, thank you for leaving comments on. I wanted to make a few comments and then saw a comment on here talking about caves on mountains having all types of animal life even aquatic and also human remains pressed and broken together as if they all died the same fate together. I'm from the Appalachian Mountains and have wondered there between Pike County, Kentucky, Southwest Virginia and parts of West Virginia nearly all of my life. I've stood on the tops of mountains and fished in both ponds or reservoirs of a sort and streams coming down the mountains. I've waded the creeks and found all sorts of interesting things including muscles and fossil of aquatic life on the mountain tops. How did these creatures get to the tops of the mountains? Coming home one day across a mountain known in Virginia as Hazel Mountain, I stopped and took a common snapping turtle out of the road 200 feet uphill from a stream rolling down the mountain. The turtle was quite a nice sized specimen. How did it get there? When I was younger I worked for a time drilling gas wells and found myself on top of a mountain close to Wheelwright, Kentucky. We had spotted our hole to begin drilling and saw a cave on the peak just above the flat we were drilling on. We walked into this cave which was about five foot and a few inches tall at the mouth so that we hardly had to bend over to walk in at first. A few hundred feet into the cave it had went down to just under five feet high ceiling but then rose to over six and a half feet. The light from outside the cave was able to illuminate inside that we could see fine until we got back into the spot I mentioning and looked out at a lake inside the cave that seemed to disappear into the darkness but had this grayish but crystal clear water so that you couldn't tell just how deep it was. Still to this day, it remains one of the coolest things I've ever seen. When I was a child my dad pulled a trout out of our well at the head of The Right Hand Fork of Laurel Fork Road, Fedscreek, Kentucky. That's up near the top of another hill there in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. I want to point out two things though quickly if I may from the Bible: Firstly, how many times was the Earth completely covered in water according to Genesis? You think there was a flood during the time of Noah but you forget to count Genesis chapter 1. In the beginning the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. You see Genesis says the earth was covered in water and that God called forth and said let there be light. Now here's where your quote of the one author who claimed each day could have taken much longer than 24 hours is explained. You see in the King James version of the Bible the scribes put a pilcrow between verse two and three. Why you might ask would this be significant. Well, a pilcrow is also known as a paragraph mark. It means that there's a new paragraph and the reason there would be a new paragraph deals with a subject change of some kind. It could be a change in the subject altogether but we're still talking about creation so that's not it. It could be a location change but we're still dealing strictly with creation of things on earth so that's not it either. It could be a change in time....but wait, time didn't exist until God created light in verse three and the Bible says the evening and the morning were the first day. Now some lesser educated folks might think this poetic licensing but nay I say lol. This is actually the way the Jewish calendar understands the day to run even today. The day starts at sundown the previous evening. It doesn't start at daybreak nor does it start at midnight. Not sure who came up with midnight being significant but there you go. The evening and the morning were the first day. God had created the heavens and the earth that first day. It wasn't necessarily 24 hours because time wasn't measured until He created light. The continental drift theory is also explained in those verses as you have to understand that he called forth from the waters and land appeared, so the earth was a sphere of water that encapsulated a sphere of land underneath. This is why the earth even today looks like it should go together like a puzzle. Also understand there's about 70% of the earth covered in water so less than a third of the earth is land. This means that the area of the sphere of water was more than 3 times larger than the area of the sphere of land that was called forth. So what about evolution while we're on the subject, well, Darwinism would have you believe that man evolved from a prehistoric homo erectus not once but time and time again the same way with very closely similar persons and those persons became not the same or similar persons after being changed but that they would become all the known ethnicities of both today and the ancient world. Meanwhile, the Tower of Babel story in Genesis says God changed everyone and scattered them across all the earth. They didn't trek from the cradle of civilization in North Africa or the Middle East where both science and the Bible agree man started. No, God moved them according to Genesis after confounded their speech. In Mesopotamia and Sumeria as well as Egypt there have been artifacts found that describe a flood. Before the written word the children of Shem, Ham and Japheth would have been told by their fathers and mothers by word of mouth about this happening. That's why nearly every culture has a flood myth. Once God had changed them and moved them they retained the knowledge of those stories. They continued to tell those stories. When the Bible says there were men of renown and giants in those days and after, I find merit in myths like Hercules knowing that Gilgamesh is found in the ancient records. Thank you all for reading and God Bless.
  • @thurayya8905
    I had a friend tell me, back in the eighties, that you can look into and verify a lot of government statistics and knowledge that is out and in the open. However, if you start hooking it together in certain combinations, you will suddenly come up against a brick wall. Congratulations, you may have come across a magic combination.
  • @storqe
    Verifying people’s history is really hard, I appreciate your efforts to talk about both sides. Just because someone sounds crazy doesn’t mean they’re wrong.
  • @Arcboltkonrad13
    Technically the CIA did not "censor" this book, they only classified the one copy they got their hands on. Why? Who knows? But throughout the several decades it was supposedly "censored" you could still get the book. There are several editions of it too, with most being made during the so-called "censored" period when the CIA had their copy classified.
  • @g.dalfleblanc63
    My Dad worked for KLM as an airframe fitter for about 10 years in the late 80s-90s. Hearing the Douglas name (which I don't know much about) I thought let's see if there's a connection between this Douglas and KLM. So turns out KLM is the only airline to have to operated all the Douglas Aircraft from the DC-2 onwards, so hugely connected. My Dad also loved the X-files and Close Encounters of the Third Kind. I remember Dad also wanted physical evidence of aliens coming to Earth, I don't know if he wasn't telling me the whole story lol.
  • @campbell682
    They don’t want you to know that Moses parted the Red Sea with a Beyblade. Lot of people correcting my facts, so instead I will double down: Jesus Joestar died for your sins
  • The Naga are snakes gods from Hindu. I think that he puts Naga and Mayan together because of Kukulkan being a snake god. Although, the Naga were snakes with human torso and heads, and Kukulkan was a feathered dragon. Just a thought.
  • @notmymind1789
    There are 2 distinct forms of "pole shifts". The more popular is the magnetic pole shift which involves a weakening of our electromagnetic field that ends with the S becoming the N and vice versa. The second form of pole shit has no relation to the electromagnetic field, it's solely geologic and involves the earth coming under a sudden gravitational force from an unknown source or object. This supposed gravitational force travels so fast around us (or around the sun, coming into close proximity of the earth) that the earth's crust is essentially "grabbed" and rolled across the molten liquid layer underneath. The speed and energy involved is what causes the severe pole shift(geologic) I believe Chan Thomas is referring to in this book.