Sneaky Ways Airports Get You To Spend Money

Ever been stuck in an airport, parched and hungry? You've already spent a fortune on tickets and baggage fees, and somehow you end up buying a giant Toblerone and a $5 water. You're not alone. Spending in airports hit $40 billion in 2017. On average, travelers will spend anywhere from $11 and $140 per airport visit. But all that spending is not entirely your fault. Airports are purposely laid out to lead passengers through moneymaking areas.

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Sneaky Ways Airports Get You To Spend Money

コメント (21)
  • >"Sneaky way" >Forced to throw away perfectly fine water. >Buy our water for 7$ 0.5l
  • Gotta say, I’ve literally never even considered buying anything from duty free
  • @ashkhol
    Random travel tips: 1. Pack your carry-on light. Pack only what you’re going to need/want on the flight, possibly some pyjamas, and living essentials in case your suitcase gets lost. 2. Unless you have specific needs (allergies, sensitive skin, etc.), you don’t need to pack your, large bottles of shampoo, conditioner, or lotion, given that you’re staying at a hotel. I’ve never been to a hotel where you can’t find these inside the bathroom. But make sure to check your hotel’s information, to see about supply. 3. Some airports I’ve been to allow you to bring your own food through security. Check the information about the airport, and see if there’s anything about bringing food through security. And if you bring food, make it a light, inexpensive thing, like a sandwich. That way, if it gets taken away at security, it won’t be a big waste on money. 4. If possible, have another family member, who isn’t going on the trip to take your car home from the airport, instead of paying for parking. If you don’t have anyone to take you to the airport, take a uber or bus. If your trip is very long, an uber is much cheaper. 5. Don’t save packing to the last minute. If your flight is in the morning, pack everything that you aren’t going to need to get ready that morning the night before, and pack the rest in the morning. 6. If you have extra space in your bag, put a few reusable bags in there. They help if you don’t have space in your suitcase for the trip home. Airlines usually allow something under the seat, and something in the overhead bin, so pack a reusable bag, and store it in the overhead bin if you can.
  • They can't get me since I am already broke from the airplane ticket.
  • Honestly, after getting through the first 3 zones, I feel like I've left the airport and went to the mall
  • My mom has taught me since young that the shit sold in airports is way overpriced. She ain't wrong.
  • My mom never let me get anything at the duty free when I was a kid, and tried to avoid spending at the airport, and warned me to do the same when I started travelling myself. To this day, I have not spent a penny at duty free.
  • The narrator loves to whisper at the end of almost every sentence
  • @AZ-vh5tf
    What saved me the most? Taking my reusable water bottle on and filling up at a drinking fountain after security. Saves your about $6+!
  • I have come to understand that things sold in airports are overpriced. That's why lot of us spend so much buying because of their attractiveness.
  • @rj1056
    As a Teenager, I wont lie, if my mom did not save me most of the time, I would be having a field day at the Airport.
  • @epicOway
    I went on vacation to Jamaica. Coming back my flight was delayed for 3 hours. The of the food prices had been inflated so it was $15 for a single burger at wendy's. I spent over $40 for 2 burgers, fries and drinks and I've never regretted anything more.
  • @Romandy13
    Is this a rich people thing or am I just too poor that I never even thought about spending anything in the airport?
  • @crev652
    This is why I pack snacks and an empty water bottle. This way I don't have to spend a penny, unless I want a souvenir.
  • @furuzon12
    I pay £12 for fast track security, it allows me to arrive an hour before my flight time AND it skips the duty free section and takes you straight to the main hall upon finishing. Worth every penny.
  • I bring my own food and stuff with me. I don't spend money in the airport.
  • no dude It's entirely my fault for every penny I spend in the airport
  • Some things I do to keep costs down at airports include not driving myself, but getting a ride, packing snacks in my purse, having my phone & kindle on me so I can entertain myself, and having my water bottle. I empty it before going into security then have either a restaurant fill it up, or just find a water fountain. I may look at some shops to pass the time, but I don't buy anything.
  • @xAmarax1
    BI should make a video titled ‘how business insider gets you to sneakily watch more videos’