How Do Swedes Organize Their Trash Bins at Home. Can We do the Same?

Published 2021-12-06
Swedens has one of the most advanced waste management system in the world. Not only they recycle as best and as much as possible, but they burn their non-recyclable wastes (all the garbage that otherwise ends up in landfills), and use it for energy.

But their success starts with individuals at home. Most Swedes are very aware of the environment and make efforts to sort their garbage in a very organized fashion at home, before it gets picked up by the municipality. In this video I’m showing you how garbage and waste are sorted in a typical Swedish home.

Here are the websites of the two waste management organizations in Sweden for your information:

tekniska verken…


Note: the video clips showing these facilities were taken directly from their websites.

All Comments (10)
  • @cooltimo
    In my part of the U.S., the refuse centers pull out all recyclables first. All biodegradables are buried. The pit is lined to prevent leaching into the soil. It's layered and compacted. When a large heap is formed, they seal it in, and vented into air tight pipes. The pressure builds as methane builds. It's captured and pumped into a holding tanks. The methane gas is processed and sent to utility companies and sold as natural gas. Much of it is pumped through gas pipes directly into homes, via infrastructure already in place. I wonder if Sweden's burn system, or the sealed, "methane capture" system is more environmentally friendly. 🤔🤔
  • @TheDaftPL
    Beautifull country... yep. Many years ago...
  • @ecopennylife
    Sweden is quite advanced, we have 3 bins, rubbish, recyclables and green (compostables) but in Australia a lot of recycling is just stockpiled as China no longer accepts it, we need to do better.
  • @mohj6042
    When comes to the compostable bin, do you throw in food loose or use some sort of bag? And also are the bins given by a local authority?
  • @m.e.345
    Why do some people make the effort to recycle and others do not? In North America, most municipalities gave up asking their citizens to segregate their reyclables.
  • @kasity
    I've lived in Sweden my whole life and I was shook when I went to big cities in the UK and US. It was horrible for someone who always makes sure to recycle. In swedish fast food places, we always have a recycling station where we seperate the different types of packaging (i.e plastic, paper etc.). But when I went to big cities in the US and UK there was just one bin for everything. It felt wrong throwing everything away in one bin, and then the trash bag was just put on the street to be picked up at night. I found it extremely strange seeing as recycling is such a big part of my daily life and its so simple
  • What do they do with their plastics? Most aren't actually recyclable. What about CO2 emissions from burning all that garbage, not to mention other pollutants?