Taiji pushing hands Beijing 1985

Pushing hands in Beijing, 1985, from a video by Erle Montague.

コメント (16)
  • Pushing hands are applications of TaiChi boxing. It’s great to watch a senior practicing with several young guys whom were at unbalanced postures in motion. 🙏
  • This might be the only video of these masters. Great to learn from. I see that these masters are generally quite particular and knowledgable about their techniques.
  • I find it educational to watch them from the waist down. The superior practitioners seem better rooted.
  • @huzhuiwei
    Interesting video made by my teacher - thanks for posting
  • @clacicle
    The overall quality of push hands in this video is fairly low. Lots of shoving and grabbing. But, I would still love to have been there. It must have been so great to wander through the parks and watch people practice. Such a different time.
  • @rich3419
    Not sure if the student is demonstrating or is just stiff. It would be nicer for all students to be able to observe nice follow energy. Like water.
  • 物質不豐富的那段歳月,人們不墮落借運動來充實生活,値得今人深省…。
  • “假大师”们,像这位先生一样,波坏了传统武术的声誉。