The Nintendo Switch 2 Roadmap for Release

Published 2024-07-15

All Comments (21)
  • @CalvinIrby01
    You should future proof your name and just be called NintendoForce.
  • I loved the part where you extend a nothing burger of a video out to 15 minutes
  • @Darth_Nerd
    How do you say nothing with as many words as possible.
  • Nintendo is not going to announce the successor to the current switch when they have Zelda and Mario released in September and October they’re more likely to do it probably within the new year.
  • At this point I fully expect a regular Switch 1-centric September Direct, complete with new releases and ports/remasters (we already know about the Metroid Primes, the Zeldas, etc). There's enough of those established by credible leakers to fill out two Switch 1 Directs. September and February. They've given themselves until the end of March to even announce the system and I fully expect them to use all of that time.
  • @GinaBaby1959
    If there another Nintendo Direct in September they might announce switch 2 coming out this year Nintendo might surprise us
  • @dans9038
    Nothing to be revealed until Jan 2025 - Nintendo still plan to milk this cash cow for at least another 6 months. I suspect we will see the switch getting price cuts in March to get it close to PS2 sales numbers
  • @tyg-zw7nn
    I really don't think Furukawa meant they would reveal it within the fiscal year. He meant this calendar year which is what normal people go by. The reveal should be soon. Console is launching March 2025.
  • @jaranth9512
    Would be funny if emio would be codenamed for a project :P
  • When switch 2 comes out imma sell all my swicth stuff(switch, switch controllers, etc.) and ps5 so i can afford getting switch 2 and a bunch of games right off the bat
  • @khiclark31
    Im pretty indifferent. Just make a good product and make it available and make a varietyof styles.
  • @t12121
    I think a Nintendo announcing a system in October that they're not going to release for the holiday season would be a massive mistake on their part. I agree that I believe if they're getting ready to announce it, it would have to be very soon. Because if they announce a system for March of 2025, they're not going to make any sales during the holiday season. If anything, they might subtly mention that Nintendo switch games are backwards compatible.
  • @DanOh1951
    I think they will have an October tease that will emphasize software compatibility. That will encourage people to buy games over the holiday knowing they can play them on the new system.
  • @sabataEX
    Interesting video you laid out. Agreed that Nintendo can do this in several ways with switch 2. It could be any you said or something different. Going by what was said about future directs from the guy who leaked first that there was a delay with the switch 2 coming out in 2024, he said something about there not being a traditional general direct in September and it would be a small direct like a partner direct. I feel like that makes a lot of sense since they laid out their plans perfectly for 2024 with new games and I can’t imagine another big direct just 3 months after with the switch 2 announcement looming. Nintendo is good until early 2025. They could wait until January for a switch 2 announcement or they could do what they did with the switch 1. Reveal in October.
  • @igpx07
    I’d tend to agree. There was no reality where they didn’t announce only Switch games this past June but with so many originals and not remakes and remasters, seems like it’s a last push to January before they reveal the new hardware, rounding out 2024 and going full into 2025 on Switch 2
  • @curtiscdragon
    Ok Switchforce ....hear me out....The Game Awards....I feel it would be the perfect place to showcase the switch 2. Yes the could do an October reveal, but that might heart game sales of switch one. I feel the game awards would be a perfect way to so it off like Xbox did. Also by that time in December the Christmas plans for most parents or family is already in motion plus that gives them just about 4 months before it comes out to advertise and hype up. Its Genus also no one is expected that at all. Lastly the audience they would reach would be more that the nintendo direct audience. Truly shown to all non gamers and gamers around the globe. Just take a sec an think about it. For me it was mind blowing and a win win for everyone being a total surprise getting us ready for release next year !!!🤔🤔🤔🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
  • @Kittiepurrs
    Paused at 1:18 to say that I can't see them announcing it before Christmas because that would hurt potential Switch sales. I'm calling a Jan/Feb announcement, it just makes good business sense