Alfred the Great [Old English Song] HD Remake | The Skaldic Bard

Here’s a song I wrote in Old English a while ago, which I have decided to remake. Music, lyrics and arrangement by myself, with vocals by me and my wife.

The song is dedicated to perhaps the greatest Englishman in history, King Alfred the Great. The song is largely based on the Anglo Saxon Chronicle’s telling of the Battle of Edington/Ethandun in which King Alfred overcame the Great Heathen Army and baptised their king, Guthrum.

In a church in my hometown, there’s a stained glass window which portrays Alfred with the tagline “Subduer of the Danes”, which I thought was an awesome title, so I just had to implement it!

I hope you enjoy!

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Ælfredes wyrd wæs þæt hē wolde ġelēafan and lond bewerian.
On ċildhāde wæs hē on Rome ġesended and ġemētte Pāpan

Leo Pāpa wæs on Rome, Hē Ælfred swā cyning blētsode.
Sē lȳtling sċeal be his weorcum mǣsta ealra Engla weorþan.

Wes hāl, Ælfred cyning, ġewieldend Dena!
Þū þe sċealt þā Norþmenn of Westseaxum drīfan!

Com miċel hǣþen here on Angelcynnes lond fæġere.
Rægenherġes Lēodbrōca suna lǣdaþ Denisċe wīċingas.

Hīe hergiaþ and bærnaþ Englisċe ċirican and hāmas.
Ac wē ne cnēowliaþ for nānum menn, būtan for þām ānum Gode!

Wes hāl, Ælfred cyning, ġewieldend Dena!
Þū þe sċealt cristendōm wiþ hǣþenum nerian!

Hǣþen here bestæl tō byrġ Cippanhamme and āscode fēohsċeatt.
Miċel þæs cristnes folces ofer sæ ādrifon þā Norþmenn.

Ælfred cyning ābēonn ūt fyrde miċele tō beadwe.
Scīrþeġnas ġewǣpniaþ hīe and mid Ælfrede fyrdiaþ

Wes hāl, Ælfred cyning, ġewieldend Dena!
Þū þe sċēalt hēohcyning Angelcynnes weorþan!

Nēalǣhton Eþandune, tugon hīe Dene on clǣnne feld.
Wyrċaþ hīe þone sċieldweall, hungreþ Ælfredes sweorde on handa.

“Mymeraþ ġif ġe ġefeallaþ, ēower mēd ne biþ weorolde!
Sē Hǣlend ġesiehþ and Hē biþ mid ūs! Drīfaþ þā hundas of Westseaxum!”

Wes hāl, Ælfred cyning, ġewieldend Dena!
Þū þe brengst miċele ār ūrum Dryhtne!

Hīe oferfeallaþ þone weall grimlīce æxum, mid hete gefylde.
Andwlitan rēod and rēþu, lindcroda þurh þā wealdas onhwileþ.

Þær wæs miċel and blōdiġ wæl ac oferholt Engla stemnette.
Ælfred cyning mid fyrde feaht, ġesċufon Dene of beaduwange!

Wes hāl, Ælfred cyning! ġewieldend Dena!
Þū þe siġe nōme ofer þā wīċingas!

Dene wurdon hungerbitne, ac Ælfred þām hǣþenum miltsode.
Gudrom cyning Norþmanna þāra swōr āþ þæt hē fulwihte onfōn wolde.

His sē cyning þær onfeng æt fulwihte wiþ Æþelingaīeġe
Wæs friðowǣr underwriten, þā fōr sē here of Westseaxum.

Wes hāl, Ælfred cyning! Ġewieldend Dena! Þū þe lēte mihtiġe Dene fulwian!
Þū lǣfdest þīn ġemynd on gōdum weorcum and on ūrum dagum hǣtst þū Miċela.

Please do not redistribute my work without permission. Feel free to email me with any inquiries!

コメント (21)
  • @SkaldBard
    Here’s a song I wrote in Old English a while ago, which I have decided to remake. Music, lyrics and arrangement by myself, with vocals by me and my wife.

    The song is dedicated to perhaps the greatest Englishman in history, King Alfred the Great. The song is largely based on the Anglo Saxon Chronicle’s telling of the Battle of Edington/Ethandun in which King Alfred overcame the Great Heathen Army and baptised their king, Guthrum.

    In a church in my hometown, there’s a stained glass window which portrays Alfred with the tagline “Subduer of the Danes”, which I thought was an awesome title, so I just had to implement it!

    I hope you enjoy!

    If you'd like to support my work, you can do so here:

    Thank you for your kindness. Lyrics in description.
  • as someone who hails from a small town in south west England called Cippanhamme,(old english) where King Alfred the great sister was married to the king of Mercia. it was later sacked by Danelaw and shortly after Alfred beat the Danelaw army at Edington. it brings me so much joy hearing this! really great work man! im really getting into Anglo-Saxon history
  • @Beorthere
    Hail the memory of King Alfred the Great, defender of England and English Christians!
  • Thanks for this gift. There aren't enough people with your gifts. God bless you.
  • @Bobby__B
    Such a truly inspirational tale of a man who stood tall over so many brutal warriors, defending his people and increasing their quality of life, and encouraging the realm to learn and read. He truly earned the nickname "The Great".
  • @KiernanRenaud
    WHAT ARE THE CHANCES this was the last old english song i listend (the orginial) to yesterday
  • @JorgeTrejo23
    Odd that Spotify has been playing this piece more often recently.
    I loved it back when it was originally released, and loving it now!
  • @Bobby__B
    I have to show my appreciation of this fine work of art, man. This is absolutely phenomenal!
  • @kamilhya835
    Me after I saw title: Why remake, first version was good? Me after I wach: Nope, this is a good version!😍
  • @Misha80416
    What a coincidence that I'm watching the TV series "The Last Kingdom" right now, in which Alfred is one of the main characters

    And the song itself turned out to be amazing. Great job!
  • @LAC03098

    Am at my grandmothers at the moment and introduced her to your music: the following is what she commends of you

    She thinks your flair for languages is astounding and impressive and she thinks the world could do with more of people like you.

    Back to my praises now. I’m really pleased you’ve remade this, it is genuinely one of my favourite and the difference in quality is astounding compared to the original. Well done.

    This is so much smoother and clearer than the previous. Well done

    Loved that your wife joined in. Added more depth

    Keep it up as always

    God bless
  • @rev1ction
    This sounds AMAZING! Harold Godwinson in this remake format would make my year! Much love.
  • A great remix! Feels like England could use another Alfred these days. All of Europe, too, for that matter. Someone we could hail as “gewieldend Sarkena ond iudena”. (Forgive my grammar.)
  • Saint Alfred, pray for us. Named my second son for him. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend the Life of Alfred, by Asser, especially the Giles translation.
  • @Sam-sm7tl
    Outstanding 👏 thank you for connecting us back to our roots. Hail King Alfred the Great.
  • @DB3W601
    As a person of 98% Nordic and Anglo-Saxon descent learning the language of my ancestors your songs help out a tonne
  • @codius5042
    Bro this goes SO hard. Hail, King St Alfred!