Will Durant---The Philosophy of Spinoza

Will Durant---The Philosophy of Spinoza
Embark on a profound philosophical journey into the world of Baruch Spinoza's philosophy, guided by the wisdom of Will Durant. In this enlightening video, Durant unpacks the intricate web of Spinoza's ideas, offering deep insights into the life, works, and enduring influence of this remarkable rationalist philosopher.

🔍 What You'll Discover:

Introduction to Baruch Spinoza: Gain insights into the life and background of Baruch Spinoza, understanding the circumstances that led to his groundbreaking philosophical ideas.
Spinoza's Pantheism: Explore the central concept of Spinoza's philosophy, his belief in a pantheistic God that permeates all of existence.
Ethics and Ethics Treatise: Delve into Spinoza's ethical framework, as outlined in his "Ethics" and "Ethics Treatise," which lay the groundwork for his views on human nature and the pursuit of virtue.
Freedom and Determinism: Understand Spinoza's intricate ideas about human freedom and determinism, as well as his concept of the "intellectual love of God."
Influence on Modern Thought: Discover how Spinoza's philosophy has had a lasting impact on various fields, from philosophy and psychology to literature and politics.
Contemporary Relevance: Durant examines Spinoza's enduring significance in the context of contemporary debates on ethics, metaphysics, and the nature of reality.


コメント (21)
  • I chanced upon the works of Spinoza in a library when I was in my mid-twenties (many decades ago now). I recall thinking to myself, "this is it, this is what I've been searching for." My admiration has only grown over the years. I made a pilgrimage, of sorts, to The Hague in the mid-1980s to see Spinoza's statue --- the one Dr. Durant refers to at the end of this presentation. I believe that Spinoza came the closest to truth as anyone who's ever lived. His work is a coherent account of the universe and man's place within it; a system of thought based on reason, logic and, yes, plain common sense, without recourse to superstition, ancient myths and "holy" books. Not only was he a brilliant philosopher, he was, by all accounts, an exemplary human being. Ah, that there were more men like Spinoza walking this troubled orb.
  • @Tom-rg2ex
    This is might be my favorite Durant chapter about a single thinker. The very last sentence might be one of the most beautiful things a man could have ever said about another man. I wish I could describe it in a way that doesn't devolve into clichés, but it really is incredible the impact a life devoted to great thought can have.
  • YouTube comments never fail to disappoint me. Half the commenters, especially those hung up on the history of Judaism in the first two minutes, I accuse outright of not listening for more than four minutes themselves - I found the history spelled out in the beginning provided an important frame of reference for introducing the hero of this lecture. Spinoza is a wealth of understanding. I suspect it would take a lifetime to develop an adequate understanding of the Ethics, but the most rewarding sensations I have ever felt were earned only after extreme effort, so maybe that would be a life well spent. A heartfelt "thank you" to our humble uploader, and sheer graditute for Will Durant, who wrote the content being narrated.
  • Anything, in my experience by Will Durant, are so clear and concise, a joy to read or listen. Once again thank goodness for YouTube. Always makes my day.
  • Dear sir thank you for your efforts and patience in introducing one of the giants of philosophy and ethics to us and to me . Your well wisher Walid from kabul afghanistan
  • I was very impressed, in my youth, by the eloquence of this chapter, but today, 40 years later, I also see this as masterful, humorous and honest, having read quite a few summaries of Spinoza's life, all mostly negative (sadly). Thank you for the memories.
  • Such a beautiful and erudite presentation of Spinoza's ideas. Gratitude to those who produced this. ❤
  • @tensevo
    Thumbs up for the fantastic narration.
  • I've noticed, by looking at the comments on these videos and using Google Trends, that Durant is very popular in the Islamic world. I'm from America, Will's homeland, but that isn't where he is most well-known nowadays. Apparently Iran is where he is most popular, followed by Morocco, Pakistan, Egypt, and Iraq. I don't know why he is searched so much more in these places, maybe someone from the Islamic world can inform me. But it warms my heart that despite all our differences, we can come together and bond over this great man's writing and philosophy.
  • Thank you for this wonderful and contextualised history of Spinoza's life and work.
  • Will and Ariel Durant were and are a Treasure, forever to be probed for gems of intellect, to ponder and benefit from. God Bless them...
  • Thank you Rocky C! Will Durant is truly excellent breakfast listening. A most pleasurable way to start the day.
  • Makes me want too aspire. Will & Ariel Durant, are brilliant historians
  • My Portuguese mothers side loves this mans ethics.👍 🍻 cheers.
  • A man that was able to travel between religions is a international mind,he is not jewish or anything else,He is a man, an intelectual,someone who takes the time to create a theory and he hands his thoughts to us and we inherit his way of thinking and if we agree with it or not,I am sure that we can not dismiss his entire reasoning,but nevertheless we remain thankful for he advocated for freedom of expression and fought those that try to restrain him,so there you have a great man,so I thank Will Durant for his presentation and Spinoza as he Existed and still is among us,if not so what are doing acknowledging his existence.Bear in mind he died young and was not able to finish his work .such is our loss.
  • @Over-Boy42
    Sponiza is someone who I've been largely unfamiliar with, although I did know that his influence was monumental. But after knowing his life story, I think he more than even the most profound thinkers represent that reason doesn't fear investigation but embraces it.
  • Superbe ! Especially he looks like is teaching in a sweet way! The best speaker forever ! He made the philosophy very understanding and interesting ! Bravo ☺️🌸🍀👏👏👏