#07 Coincidence Synchronicity - introducing my book 'Synchronicity' by Tamasin F. Blake

Published 2023-06-19
Hello dear lovely viewers,

Ta Dah! I have actually managed to produce a book about coincidence. Synchronicity by Tamasin F. Blake. Now available on Amazon

A little video about my understanding of synchronicity. It is a long word for coincidence, and yet, it is so much more than a coincidence. It is the least probable set of data to come together in our little worlds. The people, the names, the dates, and sometimes events happen in our lives that are too improbable to be written off as just coincidence and can only fall into the category of Synchronicity. Personally, I love coincidence and I don't believe there is such a thing as coincidence. There are no random, non-intentional events. Everything happens for a reason.

Line up with the Universe and watch the synchronicities increase around you.

Thanks for watching.

Tamasin xx


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