They Never Imagined They Would Find This Hiking...

Published 2022-03-09
In tonight's stories, we detail five user submitted stories who have all had horrifying encounters with strange creatures they describe as canine... otherwise known as Dogman. Get ready, this one is a wild ride!


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What Lurks Beneath is a channel focused on true scary stories and true horror stories, I cover the supernatural cryptids, bigfoot, dogman and scary mysteries

All Comments (21)
  • That last story was a nail bitter!! I am an old lady now, retired police officer. Many years ago I was working for a small department and we had to patrol long mountain roads as a part of our patrol area. It was so beautiful up there. One night there was a rather nasty accident and we had to cut the road off 5 miles in either direction until the accident was cleared. I was stationed at the turn off to another mountain road that lead to a housing area, but right at the turn off was a small rest stop with a port-a-potty there for emergency relief. It was about 2 am and it was so so dark, almost unnaturally dark, if you can imagine. It was middle of summer and the dark woods were alive with crickets and frogs, all kinds of things, and I even had 3 mule deer does walk right past me! Suddenly, the entire area around me when dead silent. I had shut off my patrol car an hour ago and just had my emergency red and blue lights going to warn on coming motorists so there was only the slight clicking noise the lights make to break through the silence. I suddenly got the most horrifying "you are no longer alone" feeling I have ever had! I knew something was watching me, but I just couldn't put my finger on where it was, but there was no mistaking that feeling of being watched. I slowly backed up to my car and got in, locked all the doors, got my weapon in my hand and turned on my take down lights. That is like a spot light but it is stationary and I can't move it to see side to side, only in front or behind me. I saw nothing, but I had goose bumps on my goose bumps to the point they almost hurt!! A couple minutes later I could start to hear the crickets and the frogs again, it was like a veil was lifted and life returned to normal. I was relieved by the next shift and went home soon after. I have never gone into the forest at night again after that, not unless I was with others that is. I have heard and seen some crazy stuff during my days, but I can't type anymore! Love your channel!!!!!
  • @donnaelhard2905
    And ...when your surroundings go absolutely dead silent? THAT is NEVER a good thing. Something bad lurks!!!
  • @yamucha
    Why do folks proceed to go out in the woods with no weapons or a knife. Word of advice: u might wanna connect with nature but sometimes things in nature don't want u there. Either strap up or bring people.
  • I'm absolutely loving this format! The voice. The beard. The stories. The story telling. The man. 👍👏👏👏👏👏👏
  • @gokugoma3258
    Once you hear a dog man howl.. that is something you will never forget.. I still remember the one I heard howl back in 2017
  • Never go to the deep woods without protection, and not just a knife. When the woods go silent: beware.
    I grew up in Maine and have spent so much time alone in old forests and have never experienced anything like this. My ex-husband told me that when he was a young man he was hunting in a friend's apple orchard, at dawn. He saw an older lady flying low on a table. When he told me this story I could see he was reliving something frightening. Also a story out of Leeds, Maine, where some young folk were partying in a sand pit and rocks were being thrown at them from afar. The rocks grew in size till they were boulders. They shut those pits down for years after that! Both these stories made me feel the way this one of yours just did. Crazy stuff!
  • @dallas645
    "Im a big guy too. Im 5'7" and 165 lbs..." No... no you are not a big guy lol.
  • MORE PLEASE!!! Your voice is quite comforting listening to you tell scary encounters while going to bed. As strange as that may sound.
  • @kingc3521
    I've never seen anything , but couple years ago I got lost in Rocky mountain national park for like 5 hours. Towards the end I came on this little valley with a open meadow, and it was so quiet, so so quiet no birds no frogs no crickets. It was a very weird feeling. A silence I can't describe. I left kinda fast . But I never saw anything.
  • I have a request ☺ Can you read one of your older encounters, the one where the Dogman breaks in to a man's home while he is upstairs sleeping... this man describes how he doesn't trust people and has a assortment of weapons for protection. He hears something trying to break down his door, and when it does he grabs for his weapon and hears the Dogman coming up the stairs, down the hallway to him long story short he kills it! He calls the police and this starts a chain of events where he is interrogated by "strange men," and they threatened him not to speak about what happened. Then they confiscate his property. I would love to hear this encounter narrated as you are narrating here now. If you can do this I'd appreciate it. I hope you know the encounter I am referencing? Its one of the most terrifying encounter of yours. Anyhoo! I hope you consider it. Thnx! 🤗😻🤩
  • @lindamoser6317
    A couple of years ago my daughter and I came up on something that I cannot figure out what it was. We live in eastern Tennessee right at the Cherokee national forest. We spend a good deal of the time in the forest in the mountains at least 2 to 3 times a week. This one night as we were leaving the mountain around 3am our headlights caught an animal as we rounded a curve. The eyes reflected yellow in the headlights and it froze along side of the road. My daughter who was driving asked me what is that?? It was tall... very tall and huge. Its head was big and the fur was gray. Definitely wasn't human and it definitely wasn't a bear standing on 2 legs. We have bears here but they r black. It suddenly turned and bolted off into the forest. Being at night we couldn't see the features that well and headlights were only on it a few seconds. I thought it was a Bigfoot. We have heard strange howls many times at night while in the mountains and knew it wasn't coyote. So I thought maybe we actually seen Bigfoot. However the gray fur stumps me. Someone mentioned to us perhaps a Dogman?? Whatever it was huge and unknown to us here. We still go to the forest several times a week and even camp there sometimes for a few days. We have never seen it again but have heard the deeper throaty howl at night a few times and sometimes along with the coyote. The one thing I have noticed?? There's not much game seen up there any more nor r the coyote as plentiful. It use to be we seen scat on the roads or heard the coyote often or a deer or two or wild boar. Now we rarely see anything. It really was a strange encounter that we will always remember.
  • @YourstepDadd
    Your story telling is getting better,very much my favorite YouTube channel passed mr ballen...YOU MADE IT WLB...👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 YOU DESERVE a million followers
  • 1st story) This may be a little off thread, but I'm glad the horses came out of it ok.
  • @TBlackDouglas
    I've had a dogman experience, more of a sighting than an encounter. I think I can debunk it , or at least I hope I can. I live on the outskirts of a small city in the south of Sweden, next to a large park that is rather wild and natural forest in some places. August 2018, around 5 in the morning. I woke up thirsty and poured myself a glass of juice in the kitchen. I was still half asleep peering out the window while sipping my apple juice. It was a warm morning and the sun was rising backlighting the park. A slight morning haze lay in the air. I had a clear view of the park's treeline about 100 meters to the east. Just in front of the park is a popular "barbeque area" with a few picnic tables, a concrete pipe with a grill on top and a roofing almost like a shed. That's where I saw something that almost made me choke on the juice and it immediately banished my drowsiness. Behind a picnic table I clearly saw a tall figure standing (at least 2 m, 7 feet), it appeared pitch black in the backlight. It looked like a man wearing a dark hoodie and standing slightly hunched. "Something is not right" was the feeling and thought that kept repeating in my head. He was just standing there. Something was off with this "man", I noticed examining him more carefully. He had very long arms, a long snout and something that looked like pointy ears, but I couldnt be sure because of the distance and poor lighting. Was he wearing a wolfmask? At 5 am? Then abruptly this figure got down on all fours and began to run alongside the treeline to the north. It ran like a dog, but with a speed I've never seen the likes of before. It was impossibly fast, and disappeared from view into the park in seconds. I got the chills and froze in place for several minutes when I realized I'd probably seen something supernatural. I continued staring at the shed and "barbeque area" but saw nothing more. That's it, I was very shaken for the whole of that day. It must have been a large black dog chasing a rabbit. With a tall person, the dog's owner, crouching down behind the shed and at the same time releasing the dog. I've tried to convince myself this for almost 4 years now. It was a very brief encounter, maybe 20 seconds in total, and it was quite dark out. I'm not sure what I saw, but I did see it. What do you think? One thing of interest is that in november 1973 this city had a "werewolf panic", "Varulvspanik" in swedish. A "wolfman" had allegedly attacked and injured a woman in a park and some kids had a " big hairy man" chasing them. And a "werewolf" was seen, by many witnesses, lurking around a school three nights in a row. These incidents were reported to the police and was written about in both local and national newspapers. The police wrote it off after a few days, as a hoax and a case of mass hysteria...
  • @Casper_Espresso
    I really like these scary stories. It makes me feel warm and protected in my own bed , but still feel creepy -good going to sleep.
  • A great way to start the night as I wrap shit up before Spring Break. I always enjoy stories that relate to national parks, deep woods, the missing 411, or wolf-like creatures such as this.
  • I have hunted in Northern Utah for many years and I have seen tracks like they described a few times.
  • 5:00 "I'm a big guy myself, just a little over 5'7"..." Okay Moistcr1tikal in Timberlands😂