Danmakai: Red Forbidden Fruit | Spellcard Demos - "Glasya-Labolas"

Published 2021-05-02
Aka Anxiety: The Pattern as I've self-described it. Also yeah yeah, this ain't Touhou, but it's close! Either way, this is from a "Challenge Mode" thing the game has, and it's something alright...

"Glasya-Labolas" Notes - Danmakai's final boss is infamous for being way harder than she should be for the difficulty you're on, and frankly I agree, the rank system doesn't help her case. This pattern is a mix of one of Hibachi's (a TLB from the Dodonpachi series, might upload a replay of mine some time) extremely speedy patterns, lateral constraint and "Where the heck do I stay vertically" cause the spray of short-range fireballs coming off the side-waves is lethal too (and somewhat random!). I think the intended route was to weave through the tsunamis of shots like I kinda did at the end? You can kinda tell just how unreliable doing this misdirection tactic is by looking at how close I was cutting it with some dodges.

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