Christmas storm PUMMELS Maine. Season 3 finale.

Published 2024-01-03

All Comments (15)
  • @Fierriel
    So glad you guys made it through okay!
  • @debgrouette6885
    Jumpin Jehoshaphat!!!! What a mess! Thank goodness you still are breathin and with a sense of humor!
  • @lwknicely
    Good to hear you weather the storm a prayers for your friends and family that everyone is doing well too.
  • I'm happy all your feathered friends made it safely through the storm. I know your pain because here in the deep south we have to deal with horrible storms with powerlines down and no electric for days, but it's good to be prepared. And as your hubby said, " would you rather deal with civil unrest or a flooded basement"? I'm with you on that, flooded basement any day of the week! Best of luck to you in the new year!
  • @craigk3811
    Glad you all are okay, happy New year🎉
  • l have been thru stuff like this before and the Power guy's are AMAZING.......Glad y'all are okay now ❣ 👍 Old Shoe🇺🇸
  • I was wondering how y'all weathered the storm. Glad to see all's OK. Happy New Year!
  • I thought it was really neat you added the news into your video! and Wow the line for the gas station! We were very fortunate the storm was not that bad where we were!
  • @trusconi81
    I live in Clinton and that storm did quite a bit of damage here too
  • @fisherman7510
    You could have sent sections of this video to Channel 7 in Bangor as their outside reporters would never take the chances you guys took in that truck ride to see the damage.