I Drove 200 Miles to Get an Abortion Outside Texas


コメント (21)
  • Since so many men are against abortions make vasectomy more common. Women are not the only ones responsible for this, so are the men. It takes two people.
  • What is the main cause of abortions? Unwanted pregnancies. How do you prevent unwanted pregnancies? Proper sex education, free/affordable access to condoms, pregnancy tests, contraceptives, and better access to healthcare in general. Banning abortions does NOT solve the problem in reducing abortions. If you want to reduce abortions, reduce unwanted pregnancies first.
  • My Mother told me that myself and my two brothers were all mistakes; she did not want to be pregnant. But at the time, abortion was illegal and she had no choice. She was forced by law to bear three children she did not want to bear. When she passed away, I read in her journal that if abortion had been legal she would have done that. The interesting thing is that I've felt it, all my life, that she did not want to be a mother, did not want children. One senses these things in the small ways, one feels that she didn't seem to be interested in her children, didn't seem to care. One could feel that every day in small ways. To see this feeling confirmed in her journal, after her death, made me understand that what I'd sensed all my life was on target. Although I think my Mother loved us in some ways, we could definitely feel her disinterest all our lives. This feeling has many deep psychological consequences. No one should have parenthood forced upon them. And no one should be brought into this world feeling that they were not wanted and were a burden.
  • This just breaks my heart. I can't imagine having to go through all this to have an abortion. I'm in Canada, I got pregnant at 19. At this time in my life I was in a very unstable and toxic relationship and I was also addicted to opiates and made the best decision for me at that point in my life to have an abortion. In Canada any woman can easily get an abortion and it is free.
  • "The unborn" are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike orphans, they don't need money, education, or childcare; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It's almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe
  • $1200 is the cost of one month of daycare for a child under 2 here in California. Seeing how it would take her so long to recover from that expense should really put into perspective the financial burden she must face with the two she already has.
  • That poor woman. She’s not getting an abortion to just be evil or whatever, she’s doing it because she literally can’t afford a child. America needs to make this country more livable for single mothers and fathers
  • Anyone who thinks these laws are working are going to be so flippant once it turns out that there was an increase in poverty due to it being passed.
  • @199popify
    We have enough kids in child care as is. If a woman isnt comfortable having a child at that point in their life they should have the choice to terminate.
  • If women aren't aloud to have abortions. Than men shouldnt be able to get a vasectomy. I'm happy she made the right decision for her. All these abortion activists are so quick to stand out front of a clinic, but would never donate money to children organizations or help feed babies who are starving and in foster care. Its very unfortunate that we live in a world like this currently...
  • I had an abortion 12 years ago. I wouldn’t wish that decision on anyone.. it is the one thing time does not heal. But the reasons people decide to have one are very real. It is not like it is a “privilege” to have an abortion.. it is not fun. But the right to have a safe one close to home should be.. and I cannot believe as I write this the Supreme Court took away that right.
  • "stimulating interstate commerce" should explicitly have nothing to do with "healthcare".
  • @jisoo1571
    Here’s the problem with the comments: stop saying why didn’t she do __, she should’ve __ etc. She didn’t, now she has this issue and what? You want somebody you consider irresponsible to raise a child? Somebody who had to take out a loan to pay for the abortion?? You say it’s not about punishing women, but all you do is condemn women to this fate for what? Having sex? Making a mistake once? I don’t think people should have irresponsible sex but I can recognise birth control fails, education isn’t up to standard yet and people slip up. Men could just not sleep with women too and that would’ve prevented pregnancy but no, keep telling the woman to keep her legs closed and pretend you care about that ‘babies’ life 😐
  • I read some comments talking about what didn't she use protection and in the video she literally said she used birth control. She said she has tried multiple different birth control so I can assume that she has had side effects with some other birth controls so she changed to a different one. Protection isn't 100% and there will be failures. Should the husband/boyfriend (I forgot what he is) have used a condom? Yes but she did use at least some type of protection that's mostly effective and it failed her. All the pro-life people always complain that the women should of used protection and those in the comments are now pretending like she didn't bruh you're just trying to make an argument no matter what at this point.
  • If prolifers have right to force births, meanwhile want to cut food stamps, assistance etc then they have the obligation to stop impregnation! NO SEX WITH PROLIFERS!
  • @Kereru
    Personally i would be horrified to find out my mother had been forced to have me by the government, against her will. My right to life is not greater than her bodily autonomy, and if she had decided the best decision for her was to abort me before i was born, then i simply wouldn't exist to have an opinion about it.
  • She took out a loan for $1300 that set her back 6 months. Do you honestly think she was better off keeping the kid? Is it seriously worth putting your life in financial ruin because other people's religion believes abortion is wrong?
  • @DZ477
    Ironic, since Oklahoma is more conservative than Texas.
  • Forcing women to have unwanted children is a good way to ensure a high crime rate in the future.