Canaries as Pets: The Pros and Cons of Keeping a Canary as Pet!

Canaries are a popular pet choice, but do they make good pets? In this video, we'll explore the pros and cons of owning a canary bird as a pet. We'll discuss the different types of canaries available, their personalities, and the best ways to care for them.

At the end of the video, we'll review the pros and cons of canaries as pets, and give you the answer to whether canaries are good pets. So whether you're looking for a new pet or just want to know more about canaries, this video is for you!

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コメント (21)
  • I always get a tall cage - it is beautiful and allows them exercise and flight!! Ad you do not want a parrot cage as they just showed in this video You do not want the bars to far apart... they love the egg mixtures that you can purchase from pet stores.
  • @redrumax
    Canaries are THE BEST birds to have, they are hardy yet delicate to engage with, beautiful and sing amazingly. I had canaries when I was 6 , now 40 years later I have a new pair and they had babies... easiest birds... but I feed them very well, seeds, veg, lettuce. I also have zebra finches who are cute and hardy as well and 2 budgies who are definitely high maintenance...Canaries dont care about toys but mine fly around freely most days.
  • @AniFam
    Sooo cute~👍 Thank you for sharing this video~🤗
  • @yodragon2003
    Ah I've wanted to have a canary for a bit now, though I don't exactly have the room or time to care for one right now. I've always loved how beautiful these birds sound
  • sorry but mirrors are harmfull for the birdies mental health! and please do NEVER pet the wing the back or tummy of the birds only the head because touching or petting the other parts make them hormonal.
  • @edl6398
    Great and informative video!!
  • @RobertCrock0
    Compared to parakeets, canaries are surprisingly expensive, the pet store near me sells them for 150 dollars, and petsmarts sells them for 149
  • Great video. It is worth adding that canaries need cleanliness not only in the cage but also in the place where they stay. However, I have a question. I see in the video that you have some canaries. Have they had any accidents or injuries, and if so, what type and what were the consequences? Thank you in advance for your answer. Once again - great movie 😍🥰😍
  • Bird,s are my Best Favourite Pet,s Bird,s. 👌👌👍👍❤
  • Canary tweedy and Sylvester and the canary from rio. both cats and canarys live alone and alot of time live with other's too and start with letter C. possible and cool
  • @Dorothi1267
    I love my 2 cararies❤❤ they just got a baby and he growingg❤ I got them as a gift❤
  • In my country, border canary is called Belgian canary (canário belga), fancy canary is Spanish canary.
  • I'm caring for a baby house finch that's nest was attacked by a crow. This bird survived and is ok but the other baby birds got killed. My neighbor rescued him and she works gave him to me when he was 12 days old. This is day 33 and baby bird is doing well. At first I was feeding him every hour or two for 15 hours a day and keeping him warm and clean in a little box inside a small cage. I think he is about 33 days old today. A week ago I put him in a large budgie cage with seeds and greens which he pecks at and eats a little of-but he still wants to be fed. So I still feed him 7-8 times day. People on FB said I should have taken it to a bird rehabber. I know it is illegal to keep him but I am afraid he will not survive if I release him now. Can I buy a society finch from the pet store so this wild house finch can have a friend? Another you tuber hold me that a canary is better companion for this wild hand raised house finch than a society finch. What do you think? You say canaries are solitary birds so I am confused.
  • I used to have a canary many years ago. He was only a look at pet always didn’t like to be handled and was scared of us when we cleaned his cage. He did sing around us though no problem. We had him for about 7 years and just found him dead in his cage. Not sure if that’s their lifespan or not? I ended up getting a Bearded Dragon shortly afterwards a way more sociable pet than a canary!
  • Pro: They are very useful in mines. Con: They need replacing everytime you go back into mines.
  • @lilsangarden
    I have a male canary that I rescued, I'm afraid he will think of me as his mate so I consider buying another bird for him but I read so many story that things can go bad when u introduced second bird. So I'm in dilemma.
  • @Arukandi
    I have a question - A young canary should listen only to canary songs, or could he learn to sing human songs or melodies?
  • one thing I didn't realize in the beginning is that they love green food like we love ice cream