Sweet Baby Inc Writers PANIC as Conservative Values SURGE + Microsoft FIRES Woke Agenda Pushers

Published 2024-07-17

All Comments (21)
  • @EndymionTv
    Thank you for watching! Things are changing & this is where we can finally move the needle, but is that a good thing? MEMBERSHIPS ARE NOW LIVE!!! G-FUEL CODE: ENDYMION G-FUEL LINK: sldr.page.link/L53U Instagram: endymionn Twitter: EndymionYT
  • @Lilyth_Helyste
    "Cis" is a bigoted slur, every time one of these people say it they are showing what they are.
  • @akumaking1
    Anyone associated with CryBabyInc should be blacklisted.
  • @TBoneTony
    I agree with Grumms 90% of his arguments. However I never forgive those who said that I was sexist, racist, P-word, potential violent person all because I stood up and defended Anime and Japanese Entertainment from BOTH Sides that were attacking it. I had to defend my hobbies in the 90s and early 2000s against the Boomers. I had to defend my hobbies in 2010s against the Wokies, until I was cancelled and never allowed to work in the Games Industry because I wouldn't bend the knee right when I was about to look for work within it. NEVER FORGIVE for the stuff they said to me and so many others. Just vote with your wallets, research your local representatives and make sure to never vote for a Jack Thompson or an Anita Sarkisian because those people are on BOTH Sides of the political spectrum.
  • @id2k.
    Microsoft hasn't removed anything, they're just rebranding their DEI under a different name.
  • @ninstar8165
    DEI is calling itself BRIDGE now. Hold the line.
  • @Sunglare1
    "Many of us including me have been accepting this stuff and letting it get worse" not me. I've been calling this shit out since 2007. I even had Ming-Na Wen asking me " what's forced diversity" on Twitter. The biggest dog pile I ever got on twitter.
  • @Neil.02
    Despite the fact they usually HATE, demonize and patronize you, they desperately want you to feel bad when they lose their jobs. Flawless logic.
  • @ProtoNecron
    They are freaking out now that they are realizing how much money they keep loosing, and these companies will throw DEI under the bus to save themselves. But never forget how eagerly they embraced it.
  • We're not out of the woods yet, we have to be more concerned about BRIDGE. Even though DEI is being thrown under the bus, but BRIDGE is something to keep an eye on.
  • @NeoN-PeoN
    I think it's absolutely HILARIOUS how they say that DEI is "no longer smart", as if it ever WAS. They really can't admit when they make a mistake, can they? The egos on these people....
  • @HP-in8pl
    We have been rejecting that crap for more than 10 years. They are only realizing this now?
  • @TBoneTony
    They only fired 1 DEI group. Microsoft has at least 69 other DEI groups that need to go and Japan needs to release DOA uncensored like it was during the original XBox and early XBox360 era. Also all those Game Journalists are exposing themselves for who they really are.
  • @hardromeo436
    I am willing to forgive the average person. I will NEVER forgive the influencers, journalists and politicians that caused this. NO ONE should.
  • @wrayday7149
    Sweet Baby Inc - Strong Arm Extortionists. "Make them give you what you want or you will go to their marketing team and tell them what you will put into the media and see how they respond" - SBI Spokesperson. Ash - Conspirator and racketeer via online means. Transmitted online - Wire Fraud
  • @mobi2289
    Note, Jack didn't cancel the tour. The venues cancelled on him. Jack is just trying to save his ass and pray that people forget how he himself called for violence against Trump and Trump supporters.
  • @codycc4414
    “The response was death threats” still no receipts. Not a single valid threat shown. What lying hacks.
  • @PortlyPete
    ive heard talk that BRIDGE is just rebranding DEI at the moment. celebrating microsoft's dismissal of their DEI team should wait until we are sure the ideology is actually on its way out.
  • @norscout3031
    It feels good having the pendulum finally swinging back