DAOKO『ダイスキ with TeddyLoid』Music Video[HD]

DAOKO『ダイスキ with TeddyLoid』
▶Daoko 8th ALBUM『Slash-&-Burn』>daoko.lnk.to/slash_and_burn
▶東阪ワンマンツアー「Daoko “Slash-&-Burn” Tour 2024」>daoko.jp/live/3795/
「もしも僕らがGAMEの主役で / ダイスキ with TeddyLoid / BANG!」
発売日:2016年9月14 日発売
初回限定盤A:TFCC-89601 ¥2,000+税
 DAOKO THE FIRST TOUR 2016 at SHIBUYA O-EAST 2016.01.15 ライブ映像
 INTRO / 高い壁には幾千のドア / ミュージック / かけてあげる /さみしいかみさま / ShibuyaK / ゆめみてたのあたし / OUTRO
初回限定盤B:TFCC-89602 ¥1,600+税
 FASHION Reebok CLASSIC Furylite WEB Movie
通常盤:TFCC-89603 ¥1,200+税

○ダイスキ with TeddyLoid
 作詞 DAOKO 
 作曲 TeddyLoid、DAOKO 
 編曲 TeddyLoid

○ DAOKO(ダヲコ)プロフィール
DAOKO(だをこ) 1997年生まれ、東京都出身。ラップシンガー。ニコニコ動画へ投稿した楽曲で注目を集め、2012年15歳でLOW HIGH WHO? PRODUCTIONから 1stアルバム『HYPERGIRL-向こう側の女の子-』をリリース。メジャーデビューまでに3枚のアルバムを制作。2015年3月TOY’ S FACTORY からアルバム『DAOKO』にてメジャーデビュー。2016年には学校法人・専門学校HAL2016年度新CMのCMソングを担当。2017年8月公開の映画「打ち上げ花火、下から見るか?横から見るか?」主題歌である米津玄師プロデュース楽曲 DAOKO × 米津玄師「打上花火」アニメーションMVがYoutubeで3億視聴(2019年11月現在)を越え今も尚、勢いはとまらない。2018年、小林武史プロデュースによる楽曲「終わらない世界で」が、任天堂 / Cygames によるアクションロールプレイングゲームアプリ「ドラガリアロストTM」主題歌に決定。同年12月には3rdアルバム『私的旅行』が発売。 同年末、第69回NHK紅白歌合戦に出場し注目を浴びる。音楽活動の一方、2017年に小説「ワンルーム・シーサイド・ステップ」を執筆しKADOKAWAより刊行。2019年は写真と絵の初個展 ”DAOKO × SHINKAI BABA 気づきEXHIBITION『Enlightening my world』”の開催、自主企画ライブイベント「チャームポイント」主催。また新たなバンド形式での「enlightening trip 2019」ツアーを成功させ、音楽を中心にしながらも多様なクリエイティヴ表現を続けている。

◯Official HP daoko.jp/
◯Official Blog daoko.life/
◯Official Twitter
 DAOKO ( twitter.com/Daok0 )
 DAOKO staff ( twitter.com/DAOKO_staff )
◯Official Instagram www.instagram.com/daoko_official/
◯Official Fun Club”ひだまり”  hidamari.daoko.jp/

コメント (21)
  • English translations: Like, Dislike Like, Dislike Like, Dislike Dislike, dislike, dislike, dislike Self-satisfaction, stop the half-assed measures The personification of the lamest things ever Wanting your whole life to be a pet dog Riddled with wounds, blood awakens Are you ready? (HATE) Not yet (HATE) Are you ready? Pierce the love Undisclosed (HATE) Are you ready? Ok, ready! Hey Obligation, let's go!!! Like, dislike Hate, like Like, dislike Hate, like Like, dislike Hate, like Dislike, dislike, dislike Love I dislike myself, unable to love I dislike my voice and face, I hate them Forced smiles again today, unable to love The past is the deceased future, I hate it Whose fault is it It's not my fault Masturbation, companion that won't deliver Exhaustion, a shitshow of an affair Self-abandonment seems just right Throw away myself and the self awakens Are you ready? (HATE) Not yet (HATE) Are you ready? Pierce the love Undisclosed (HATE) Are you ready? Ok, ready! Hey Revival, let's go!!! Like, dislike Hate, like Like, dislike Hate, like Like, dislike Hate, like Dislike, dislike, dislike Love I dislike you, unable to love I dislike mom and dad too, I hate them Everyone plays the victim, unable to love We are living machines, I hate it Whose fault is it I didn't do anything wrong Like, dislike Hate, like Like, dislike Hate, like Like, dislike Hate, like Dislike, dislike, dislike, dislike Don't look in your hand-mirror Resuscitation Glare ahead, restoration Un-experienced zone Yes, I mean The confidence comes afterwards If you can move one step forward that's cool Pain and depression continue On my mind Double check What my original motives were again Remember now Today's annoyance Let's turn it around I can become so strong That it's annoying Look right and left Look down, and while relieved You can't become anyone You can only become Yourself Create a shortcut Reality The universe, the world Become peerless, let's go!!! Expose Depending on you It all changes Ripping off the veil And the muddied Insides revealed Before you know it You lost sight of it The treasure Where did it go This excited Opening Remember The early impulses Green spring The first of things That's what's real The core truth Everyone's the same Corruption, friction The turning, changing joys and sorrows Your life Whose life One shot, let's gamble on it
  • 1:14の目線をふいっと外すとこがなんか好き。いじけた子どものような、不機嫌な少女のような。そんなかわいさがある。
  • @nemu1910
  • @pmtna
    自信皆無な自分vs自信過剰な自分。 自分のこと大嫌いだし好きになれそうもない、でも時に誰より優れてるって腹の底で思ってしまう瞬間もある。 そして下を見て安心して、でもすぐ隣と比べて自信をなくす。 だから、ひとりしかいない自分になりたい。ずっとそう思って悩んでる。 以上は曲の解釈でも何でもなく、私の話。だからこそ何度聴いてもその度に胸打たれてハッとする。 DAOKOちゃんが唄うから、響くんです。 長々とごめんなさい。 私はこの曲がダイスキ。 特典のライブDVDも必見です。
  • I love how expressive she can be. She's playing two personalities perfectly
  • CMでいいなぁと思ってたけど 嫌い 嫌い 嫌い 大好きのとこの声がたまらなく好き♡
  • @Rjc2k2
    That rap part kills me everytime
  • Teddyloid makes best songs for Daoko, he understands her dark style. I don't want other producers to turn her into kawaii doll with boring cute songs.
  • Why does this keep showing up in my video list? Oh I know why, because I keep watching it a hundred times every day.
  • full translation as follows: Love Like, Dislike Like, Dislike Like, Dislike Dislike, dislike, dislike, dislike Self-satisfaction, stop the half-assed measures The personification of the lamest things ever Wanting your whole life to be a pet dog Riddled with wounds, blood awakens Are you ready? (HATE) Not yet (HATE) Are you ready? Hold on to your love Undisclosed (HATE) Are you ready? Ok, ready! Hey Obligation, let's go!!! Like, dislike Hate, like Like, dislike Hate, like Like, dislike Hate, like Dislike, dislike, dislike Love I dislike myself, unable to love I dislike my voice and face, I hate them Forced smiles again today, unable to love The past is the deceased future, I hate it Whose fault is it It's not my fault Masturbation, companion that won't deliver Exhaustion, a shitshow of an affair Self-abandonment seems just right Throw away myself and the self awakens Are you ready? (HATE) Not yet (HATE) Are you ready? Hold on to your love Undisclosed (HATE) Are you ready? Ok, ready! Hey Revival, let's go!!! Like, dislike Hate, like Like, dislike Hate, like Like, dislike Hate, like Dislike, dislike, dislike Love I dislike you, unable to love I dislike mom and dad too, I hate them Everyone plays the victim, unable to love We are living machines, I hate it Whose fault is it I didn't do anything wrong Like, dislike Hate, like Like, dislike Hate, like Like, dislike Hate, like Dislike, dislike, dislike, dislike Don't look in your hand-mirror Resuscitation Glare ahead, restoration Un-experienced zone Yes, I mean The confidence comes afterwards If you can move one step forward that's cool Pain and depression continue On my mind Double check What my original motives were again Remember now Today's annoyance Let's turn it around I can become so strong That it's annoying Look right and left Look down, and while relieved You can't become anyone You can only become Yourself Create a shortcut Reality The universe, the world Become peerless, let's go!!! Expose Depending on you It all changes Ripping off the veil And the muddied Insides revealed Before you know it You lost sight of it The treasure Where did it go This excited Opening Remember The early impulses Green spring The first of things That's what's real The core truth Everyone's the same Corruption, friction The turning, changing joys and sorrows Your life Whose life One shot, let's gamble on it
  • I was expecting another MeMeMe when i heard a new TeddyLoyd and Daoko co op was announced. But this is awesome!!
  • @posto2812
    無色の状態から自分のカラーを出していく時って勇気がいるなって 一生のどこかで一回はぶちあたる壁って気がする 応援してます このPV好き
  • 表現力が凄過ぎる、、本当に美しい。
  • This is her best song yet! TeddyLoid and Daoko are amazing together!
  • @pontauro
    あのCM見たとき正直なにこれ気持ち悪いって思ってたけど これ見たら気持ちが変わったかっこいいゾクッとした
  • I wish all her music was like this. She sounds so good doing intense dance music.