Microsoft Trying to Destroy Windows?

Published 2024-07-09

All Comments (21)
  • @BartSch1pper
    Windows 7 was peak windows. If it wasn't for old architecture and security issues, that operating system would still be the best.
  • @CecilEtienne
    Microsoft have already destroy windows, I have already moved to Linux and never going back to windows.
  • @ErdrickHero
    Even if Microsoft reversed course, I can never trust their software again. I'll stick with Linux from here on out.
  • @MegaAkira18
    Switched to Linux and haven’t looked back. It games, it codes, and it works. It still infuriates me how bad the Windows file explorer is and how good the GNOME file explorer is. It just works and never hangs.
  • @D.von.N
    I know what MS is doing. The majority folks aren't tech savvy and with encryption on default their encryption key is automatically stored in their MS account, so they can retrieve it. And in the process all the telemetry and Recall with AI probably leaking reports about your use of the system so the 3 letter agencies can have a look... If they cannot crack encryption, they will access the data by other means. It is a mess. Go Linux. That way your computer is actually yours, not just rented and at the mercy of the corporation.
  • At present it seems more desirable to use an unsupported version of windows than upgrade to Win11, not that I can update any of my many PC's to 11.
  • @IreneSmith
    I can do without the AI that's already there. I got a message today saying, "We noticed that you have several unused printers installed. Remove them?" My reaction was what are you doing noticing things on my computer?
  • Microsoft, certainly overflowing with incompetence. It''s an operating system, not a prison term.
  • @Feed9Will
    The direction is less independence for end user and greater control. IMO their long term goal is thin client computing and your Windows "PC" will be azure / cloud / VDI subscription. They don't give a damn about Windows as an OS. How many years of windows 10 settings + control panel still fragmented to hell. Its all about subs, azure, 365, re-occurring licensing. It won't shock me when only "approved" store applications are allowed to install / run on "your" Windows PC. Just like BS mobile industry with its no root rights mindset. Don't really own it. Oh - and goal for AI to know more about the content of your life than you do.
  • Windows has been crap since Windows 8. I use other options now.
  • @BoGy1980
    Windows 10 is the last windows I installed on my daily gaming system..... Just like microsoft said; 'Windows 10 is the final OS".... after that they started shipping adware instead of an OS. Even telemetry is already a stretch too far ... so those things are disabled here, but when windows 10 goes EOL, my main system goes linux...... all my other systems are already running linux because of Microsoft implementing "Macintosh-strategies"
  • @Zaal15
    Windows is getting worse.. Linux is getting better! :D
  • Five years ago they pushed me to Linux after 20 years, I have to thank them for that. I know fire QA and get it free from beta testers.
  • 'Trying' to destroy Windows? They are enthusiastically doing so since 2006.
  • @goeiecool9999
    It's fascinating hubris to make a microsoft account mandatory for the stated goal of "seamless integration with MS services". Remember when they got in trouble for simply bundling a web browser or a media player? If those same prosecutors were around today microsoft would get executed for this.
  • @tonywise198
    I migrated to Linux in 2020. I'm glad I did - Windows 11 has just got worse and worse, with Microsoft not giving a Flying F@@@ about its customer base.
  • I have watched Microsoft for decades now. The premise of it always was: "Create some thing that is just good enough that ppl will buy it." "Just good enough" is simply NOT good enough. It is a crappy attitude from somebody you can not trust. Microsoft never changed that attitude. They developed Windows not because they invented it or they wanted to improve it, but just to cut down the competition with the least possible effort. It is actively consumer unfriendly behavior, which not only produces mediocre, but totally inferrior products.
  • Finally someone that actually says it as it is! Having your computer continuously connected with Microsoft account is STUPID! Imagine millions of users connecting equals millions possibilities to be hacked as well! AI? Ffffff😂😂😂