iPhone 10 Years Later: The phone that almost wasn't

Published 2017-06-26
Arguably one of most transformative pieces of technology in the modern era, the iPhone's development was fraught with engineering problems, drama, and extreme stress. Former employees share their stories from inside Apple 10 years ago.

All Comments (21)
  • @dadam6900
    Even as an Android user, you still have to give props to apple and Steve Jobs for truly reinventing the phone. We would probably still be using phones with crappy os's and keyboards.
  • They had no idea how important it was but you know who did? Jobs. That man is a fucking legend
  • @MrCapitalfinal
    Just imagine Jobs running NASA. "I want a time machine in a week. AND DON'T TELL ME IT CAN'T BE DONE!! IT CAN BECAUSE I SAY SO!!"
  • @MarksTech
    Lol i remember when the iPhone first came out, everyone in my family thought it was so dumb and weird. And that it wasn’t going to succeed (keep in mind, they all had Nokia’s and blackberries).. then i remember the first time my brother ever held the iPhone 2g a year later, and he took the first picture on it, and his facial expression said everything. Every since then, we are a family of iPhones , and could not be happier. Thank you Steve, for being so stubborn and thick-headed.. thank you for literally changing the world, .. all from a phone.
  • They shrank a computer too the size of a phone, now phones are slowly growing back to the size of computers 😋
  • @tlustejmicin
    And then many years later - when Microsoft tried to shrink Windwos into a smartphone - Lumia was a disaster :D
  • @videonaj
    Interesting How Steve Jobs pushed people so hard because he knew they were capable of incredible things only when pushed. He was a driving force and it was very uncomfortable for those involved yet today they can be proud they did the "impossible" and changed the world. I wouldn't want to be treated that way unless I knew the guy and trusted him. Sometimes you got to push to get something done.
  • @640A
    OMG Steve would've killed Tony if he had lost that prototype!
  • Wish he was here longer than he was. The iPhone was a revolutionary product for the tech industry. Great video. ❤️
  • @Matextreme777
    I remember holding an iPhone for the first time, the way the screen responded to touch, the beautiful images on the camera even though it couldn’t film, the way the screen orientation switched depending on the way you were holding it. It felt incredible, I don’t think I’ve ever felt that way for another technology device. It was truly a remarkable thing and I could feel it.
  • @RobinsM
    Apple really isn't the same anymore without Steve jobs. Its crazy how so few people can make a huge impact.
  • @saif0316
    8:16 so basically what losing an AirPod for an hour feels like? 😂
  • @dustintrombly
    Fred Vogelstein - author, Apple history expert. "OS Ex" ...
  • @jackkraken3888
    Even though I'm an Android user I can see how monumental this product was. I don't think most people remember how basic existing smartphones were before the iPhone. Apple managed to shrink a PC into a mobile device and make it both fully usable and not cost an arm and a leg. That was pretty impressive. If you disagree I would advise looking at some of the products made during and before the iPhone and try to compare them. The difference is night and day. And here's what was really important, this device was for everyone, not just business execs.
  • @mrz_88
    When the hardware and software work so well together thats why the iphone has been the benchmark since 2007
  • May you love it or hate it, Apple did a milestone by selling the 1 billionth iPhone in July 2016.
  • @gillisdanos9354
    Steve Jobs greatest feat was that he knew how to assemble smart people who shared his vision and got them to perform at their full potential. Since he has passed Apple hasn't made anything that is industry changing. Now all Apple seems to be able to do is upgrade on the existing models. Better screen, faster CPU, better battery life, better camera. Things of this nature. I started with Apple and still have an Apple phone because I find it simpler to use. I also don't need much in the way of a phone. Talk, text and a few photos / videos . It all boils down to,"to each his own" . What ever floats you boat one could say.
  • @emadrid89
    almost there...... I hope they come with something really good on September
  • @therealventures
    That's Awesome! Mad Respect to the peeps who worked on the project. We have what we have now b/c of them. Steve Job and the team!