Can Team 17 Win Back The Hell Let Loose Community?

Team 17 dropped the ball again...again...

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Why do Team 17, Cover 6 Studios, and Expression Games keep dropping the ball with the Hell Let Loose updates.

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#hellletloose #hellletloosenews #hellletlooseupdate

コメント (21)
  • Team17's post-aquisition checklist must look something like this: - Add bugs - Done (Ongoing) - Release a ww2 strategy game without using the Hell Let Loose IP - Done - Ruin community by bringing in casual players from gamepass, into a hardcore game - Done - Chase off most creators by being silent and utterly useless - Done - Release tons of poor quality, over-priced DLC - Done - Add more bugs - Done (Ongoing) - Add new content but make sure it's un-tested and a bit crap - Done - Increase price - Done - Write-off aquisition from taxes as a failed investment. What next?
  • @zachm2314
    that last price increase is honestly pretty scummy
  • Inflate the "sale" effect. Then capitalize on the people who bought it during the summer sale and telling their friends to pick it up.
  • We simply need a successor to HLL in UE5 that has absolutely NOTHING to do with Team 17 or Black Matter. We need a new passion project where people truly care and if they do decide to sell the game, don't sell it to a mobile game developer with a horrible corporate track record. Once they laid off Wombat and their entire QC team, T17 lost any hope I had for the game. The new community manager couldn't give half a fuck about HLL and it shows. He puts in the bare minimum of communication in a game built on... Communication. Like the phoenix, let it die and be reborn from the ashes. The community will never get what we want from T17, since they want to suck the life out of the game with maximum profits/DLC and minimal updates and fixes.
  • Setting discount prices like that is illegal in Norway. The base price has to be the selling price for at least least 14 days before a company can say % discount compared to the higher price.
  • I do think artillery needs to become mobile, but I don’t think it necessarily needs to be only mechanised. I’d like to also see towed artillery being moved around by driving a supply truck, and then being deployed (or reattached to the truck) by an engineer using resources. The new mechanic would be to locate and then destroy the enemy artillery (sometimes with counter-battery fire from your own artillery). This is an important tactic in real war, and it would be cool to see it replicated in the game.
  • I'm pretty bummed by the collapse of this game. I have 1800 hours in it, I learned DaVinci just to make fun videos for my friends (Black Matter even gave a shout out once, I was so chuffed), and I brought at least 6 mates into the game and we had SUCH a blast. Then T17 took over and it just steadily got worse and worse. The friends all dropped off, then Helldivers 2 dropped and we all just abandoned it. There is just no reason to come back to it, but it's pretty sad.
  • @ganzano
    All sound and sane recommendations. T17 will do NONE of it.
  • Still not being able to throw a grenade without a double animation is ridiculous at this point.
  • I have almost no faith in any developer. T17 isn't special in that regard. Corporate greed and the delusion of infinite growth will ruin all games over a long enough time. My only assumption is they are raising the price because they are planning some sort of marketing campaign to drive a lot of new players to buy the game.
  • @agp11001
    I think the community's stance on T17 can be summed up "Our expectations for you were low, but holy fuck". And as for Skirmish: Just look at the server list: Usually, not a single Skirmish server is even half filled.
  • this team made golf with your friends and worms titles.. what the f do you expect
  • I've got 2700+ hrs over HLLs 3 years, somebody will make an epic UE5 WW2 game relatively soon I expect, whether its these guys or the Squad guys who knows, so I'd say "peak" HLL or Squad44 has either well passed or will be very soon (S44) and we're really in late-stage for both of these games, so it is what it is, nothing lasts forever and we've enjoyed the ride, IMHO that perspective is much better than getting any anxiety over who is ruining or pro-longing the inevitable end of either of these games.
  • They've driven this game straight into the ground. I'm done. I'll take another look in a year or two and see if anything has improved. Thanks for the video, Terrydactyl!
  • At this point they should open it up for modding or sell it at a loss… I don’t see T17 saving HLL… they are not the right studio for this game…
  • Terry just confirmed he was the man behind the cloudstrike incident 😂