Pro-Trump think tank leader makes ominous threat about ‘second American Revolution’

Published 2024-07-04
Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation, a pro-Trump conservative think tank, threatened the left to not get in the way of ‘the second American Revolution.’ #CNN #news

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All Comments (21)
  • WE THE PEOPLE NEED TO START LAW SUITS AGAIN Kevin Roberts. He has threatened all of us
  • @timfahey7127
    So this punk just threatened ....out loud....all of us.
  • Kevin Roberts is the next brownshirt running for president, after they have done away with Trump.
  • @jimmygay7837
    OH, CNN FINALLY decided to cover this. Haven't been able to find anything on CNN's YT channel until now. You need to go into a heck of a lot more detail, the plan is 900 pages plus long.
  • @brad3042
    Kevin Roberts needs to be investigated by the FBI.
  • @jrock8033
    Kevin Robert’s should be investigated by the department of justice, and charged with terroristic threats.
  • The American People will NOT Go WITHOUT a FIGHT. You are not the only ONES that are LOCKED AND LOADED.
  • @agh0x01
    This was a total glossing over of what Project 2025 is threatening. It makes it look like a picnic.
  • The rhetoric of an abuser. Abusers say “You made me do it” and “Do not make me hit you”.
  • The “entertaining” banter sandwiching the end of democracy like two slices of wonderbread holding a radioactive turd just adds a little dystopian flavor, doesn’t it?
  • @henkbouwen
    W.t.f. is wrong with the US. With king trump going down the drain.
  • @kriskross7606
    This is the man who actually chose all of the judges appointed by Trump
  • @nmandowa
    This the most bland and unthreatening drscription of Project 2025 I've seen so far. Why not go farther into the implications for women's healthcare, for the independence of the justice department, and for how this combined with the Chevron decision will reshape our government into rule ny Christian nationalists!?
  • @Amused-px6cr
    Take the words of these calculating Fascists very seriously. Ignoring their actions is part of what made Trump possible
  • Yeah. "Secure our God-given rights to live freely"... ...unless you're a WOMAN. Then, not so much of that "live freely".