USA on the Brink of Chaos: How Americans Are Living the End of the American Dream

Published 2023-04-13
Facing a pandemic, an unprecedented economic and social crisis, the United States seems to be on the brink. We followed middle-class Americans who now find themselves on the poverty line.

Marc and Selene, had to close their restaurant and are struggling to pay the rent when their young son breaks his arm. Now they have to find an additional $11,000 in order to have it treated.

A few months ago, Steven was making $ 70,000 a year as a business executive. Today he lives with his wife in their car. But he refuses to give up his belief in capitalism and the American dream and is sure better days are coming. Meanwhile, Kirin faces deportation after losing her job as a cashier.

Directors: Kristell Bernaud and Matthieu Fauroux

All Comments (21)
  • @Homeschoolsw6
    " it's called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it. " - George Carlin
  • @dimon44
    As a Pole I'm shocked to see people driving Tesla, Lexus that call themselves poor and ask for help to collect free groceries. I would teach them how to manage their own money first before they reach for any public aid.
  • @sarawilliam696
    More and more people might face a tough time in retirement. Low-paying jobs, inflation, and high rents make it hard to save. Now, middle-class Americans find it tough to own a home too, leaving them without a place to retire.
  • @Mrshuster
    People are facing a tough time in retirement. Low-paying jobs, inflation, and high rents make it hard to save. Now, middle-class Americans find it tough to own a home too, leaving them without a place to retire.
  • @NickMukhin
    America is truly a wonderland! People have cars, they have something to buy gasoline, but nothing to eat? What is an upside down world?
  • @JohnDaniels
    "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless." - Thomas Jefferson
  • @aykutdurak3555
    If you have a car, you are not even close to the bottom.
  • @prawnstar9213
    The farmers who grew those plums and grapes are also on the verge of homelessness
  • @doobie8425
    The American dream is for the banks……not for the people. Get it right.
  • @pudgymutt7644
    I was a farmer (yes, I said, was). This breaks my heart. I had to sell my cattle because the cost of hay, grain, minerals, diesel, etc. went sky high. I sold my hogs off also. Farmers are having to sell because of rising prices and falling prices for cattle. I don’t know what consumers will do in the future? People need to find local farmers and buy from them. Better product than store bought.
  • @bwoodlandave
    All empires collapse from within. This is a prime example , it's by design 😮😢.
  • @timsherman1245
    My rules to lived by so far 1. Never Insult one's faith and Religions 2. Never Insult their race and culture 3. Never Insult One's job as long as their job doesn't harm others 4. Never Insult one's opinion 5. Never Bought what you cannot afford 6. Never go into debt unless you're absolutely certain that you are able to pay it in short term 7. Saving, Invest, charity 8 Always live below your means 9. Be courteous, and optimistic 10. A little bit of Humor and Jokes over hardship in live always help 11. Get rid of your credit card. 12 Never break the laws Guess what?? it Works 👍👍
  • My favorite part of being American is when a person comes from generational wealth and tells a someone who's struggling to "work harder".
  • When the government cares more about what's going on in other countries than in its own land. Sad but true. 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦
  • @atlara
    Despite the various problems we face here in Brazil, we have a public health system that provides relatively good services, free of charge, especially in large and medium-sized cities. However, we have states with very poor infrastructure, where medical care is very poor or almost non-existent. My 86 year old mother-in-law broke her femur on a Saturday, 5 days later she was undergoing surgery in a public hospital in the city of Itapecerica da Serra, close to São Paulo. Excellent service, without any type of charge. Thanks for the video!
  • @alexnelson9512
    Cannot afford food — but roll up in cars and holding onto iPhones. Utterly stupid and illogical.
  • @Therecouldbehope
    What a scam in that food line! New mercedes, teslas, high performance sports cars- everyone is lying for some free food. America is truly lost.
  • @Sam.G79
    One of the things that causes poverty is the obsession for living a luxurious and rich lifestyle. I believe this is heavily influenced by celebrities and the entertainment world. It's sad.
  • @gigibecali8758
    In Poland, poor people walk to social welfare centers because they cannot afford to keep a car. For the price of 2 liters of gasoline you can easily eat lunch, for example in a school canteen. How much fuel did these poor people in the USA use to come in their cars for free food, which, from what we can see, was probably cheaper than the fuel.
  • @DrAhzek
    I see people trying to defend the "starving executives". Guys, what the hell is wrong with you? Don't you see how screwed up it is that someone that was willing to get a Tesla on loans is lining up for the food aid? When I was unemployed for half a year, I didn't line up for any welfare despite being elligible nor would I even freaking consider going to charity aid for food. I had my small loans that I knew I could pay off at any time. As an adult with mid-high level income job, you should be more than capable to save up enough to last for a full year without work. If you're not, it means you live well above your actual means.