Jurassic Park The Ride Secrets

Some "secrets" of Jurassic Park: The Ride

コメント (21)
  • I feel so bad about how all of the hard work from the people that built the ride because of the current condition of the ride.
  • @KaiRubix
    The ride is now a shadow of its former self in Hollywood. most of the outdoor animatronics barely work. the Dilophosaurus before you ascend don't even move like in this video. one of them has a permanent slack jawed look and don't come up as fast anymore.
  • The animatronics have really aged and are in dire need of an upgrade.
  • Am I the only one who felt nostalgic whenever I saw those 90s water cups designs
  • "Through years of development, we have come up with our secret sauce.You can't see it, it's behind locked doors" - Universal "Aw that's cute" - Disney
  • Now if only they'd give Jurassic Park a complete refurbishment, perhaps some up-to-date and properly functioning animatronics - instead of cutting corners like with the new crappy Parasaur in Hadrosaur cove - this would be the coolest ride ever.
  • The effort shone through on this ride. It will forever be engrained in my memory as the best ride I have ever been on. So cleverly thought out. The t-Rex drop at the end was utterly incredible. I was 9, I had no idea it was going to happen. I had a shear moment of terror when I realised we weren’t stopping and that t-Rex was coming down at us. I genuinely could only see a dead end. My childhood mind thought it was real! Then the drop! Words can’t describe how utterly jaw dropping this ride was! I was buzzing for weeks after just talking about it. And I still feel that buzz now and I’m 24. I hope this ride goes down in history
  • I recently went here with my school and I was overjoyed to finally ride this (it was my first visit) I was disappointed to see that the jeep on the wall does not fall down like I have seen in videos anymore, and idk if it is the one in Orlando or if this part doesn't work either but there are no velociraptors that come from the sides or ceiling when going up the last hill. Just a shadow I presume is projected. Another little detail I liked at the end was after the dilophosaurus sprays you on the left there is the Barbasol shaving cream can from the first movie. Not hard to spot, kinda out in the open, but still cool
  • @brycevo
    This attraction is so good. They did an amazing job on it. Good to know how the magic was made
  • I used to work at Universal Studios Hollywood and I miss it there so much! I was a ride operator on Transformers and though that was my turf and I loved it, my favorite ride in the whole park was JP! Nothing like a T-Rex roaring in your face!
  • Did the ride really look so much better in 1997? I mean I've seen both 97 and recent videos and honestly it still looks pretty much the same except for the falling jeep and slightly slowed down animatronics( and the decor in general). You can't but help admire the hard work of all the people designing the ride. Its so amazingly well done.
  • @GJ71642
    happy 23 anniversary Jurassic park
  • I hate that the drop makes me feel like I will fly right out
  • @SG11111
    I don't think they will replace this it would cost too much money to replace and it's one of the main attractions everyone goes to
  • @RGJubilee
    I love the way you animated the T-rax in the beinging.
  • @FestArc
    Love this ride. Go on it, multiple times, whenever I go on vacation to Florida. Haven't been on the other one, but from videos I've seen, the one in Florida has a bigger and cooler looking T-Rex.