13 Subtle Ways to Make Him Want More With You

Published 2022-07-31
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I post new love life advice for you every weekend.

In today’s new video, I’ll share with you exactly how to do that through 13 highly practical tips to get him to take you more seriously. Some of these are subtle, but each one of these points can have an outsized impact on how your relationship moves forward.

I really wanted to make this video because the tone you set in the beginning will serve you throughout your entire relationship, and the influence you can have on being taken seriously by someone is huge. It can determine whether your relationship will be a casual one that’s on their terms, or a committed, loving one where you’re building something together.

And in addition to being practical, this video breaks down the psychology behind each of these tips and provides you with examples (and in many cases, specific texts) you can customize and make your own.

►► FREE download: “9 Texts No Man Can Resist” → www.9texts.com/

►► FREE download: “5 Compliments to Get Him Addicted to You” → www.SayThisToHim.com/

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All Comments (21)
  • Fact is: Either he loves and wants you, or he doesn't. There is NOTHING you have to do to "make him love you" or "make him want you". What you CAN do is focussing on your love for yourself and your life. But don't think you can ever "make someone love you". Love is a gift and nothing you have to achieve
  • I did all of these things and am currently being ghosted 😂 Someone either loves you or they don’t. Don’t waste your time on people who can’t see what a gem you are. Be a high value individual and love yourself.
  • ladies, gents, always forever, remember this: if you treat someone as if they're a star, they'll treat you as if you're a fan...
  • @ryushizu17
    1:09 1) Be more than a last-minute plan 1:46 2) Don't just go with their flow 2:45 3) Suggest a date plan 3:36 4) Send a post date text 5:15 5) Show genuine appreciation for something they did 6:04 6) Have them come to your part of town 8:09 7) Pay for something 8:50 8) Send them a picture from a different part of your life 9:54 9) Send them an 'I was listening' text 10:46 10) Save them a cookie 11:33 11) Be playfully assumptive 12:21 12) Avoid agreeing with them all the time 14:19 13) Beware the weekend away
  • #13 A man gave me so many flowers in the 1st two weeks of our relationship that my looked like a forest. Then he wanted me to go away with him for the weekend. I told him thank you but it was too soon for me & I needed us to learn more about each other. He became extremely angry and said, "But I bought you flowers!" I replied (very nicely), "i'm sorry, I loved the flowers but thought they were a gift, not a payment. Neededless to say, we did not continue dating.
  • As a woman who only yesterday admitted to my boyfriend (who's loved me for the longest time now) I love him - I did all of this without actually seeing this video when I met my guy except 13 and know that this IS IT. My beau and I easily took each other seriously because I've always had a natural standard I expect from someone I'd be long-term with and he, with so much grace, is perfect at upholding those standards. He asked if I'd like to meet in my city (he lived on the other side of the country), he asked to meet again and I offered to come near to his side next, I brought him something as a gesture on our trip away, and the rest is history. Today we live together in a home we created together and share a beautiful life. For many years I was the girl who would cry looking up at the skies, wondering where the one is, and he is everything and more than I could ask for. Please know to wait for the right person, they'll make employing all of this so easy and actively want to be in your life. I guess I'm only writing this to give hope and to take my love up because he's perhaps the best thing that has ever happened to me.
  • @JaylaPLuna
    When you realized you have done all these things, in a non cringe way, and folks still ran or left me on read… sometimes it’s just the pool you are in and not you…luckily I won’t have to change much about who I am and I can just chill till someone who actually wants a relationship with me, comes along. Till then, enjoying life.
  • My Mother told me that you can tell if a man likes you cause he gives you little gifts. Not expensive gifts, but little things that he thinks would please you. Even something like a donut from the corner coffee shop. When I was married the only gift my husband ever gave me that he picked out himself was a bag of green apples! He was at work in the country and saw an apple tree in the ditch. He knew that I loved green apples, so he picked me some. I was truly thrilled and he was beaming with pride!!
  • I did all of these things, and he still told me he didn’t want to commit to anyone. Four weeks later, he has a girlfriend (he didn’t tell me until I came over to his house). Atleast I know I’m on the right path for the RIGHT guy, after watching this! One day someone will appreciate and love me but until then I’m gonna appreciate and love myself more. 🥰 Thank you for your videos
  • I was single for years. I went through a desperate phase early on where I had recently had my heart broken and it made me feel so empty because I didn’t have a foundation of core self esteem. I think a large part of the shift was just getting older, but it was also me letting go of my strong need to be validated by others. Pursuing goals, traveling, being nice to myself in a multifaceted way seriously changed the game. I met a guy last fall and I went in completely unattached to the outcome, just being myself, which meant I was warm and happy to be there but I wasn’t worried about what he’d think of me. It took me awhile to want to date this man because I didn’t want to rush anything, but he was into me from the start. We’re now together and he’s wonderful!
  • You just need to be yourself, have integrity, honesty, healthy boundaries and make the effort to meet someone at least in the middle. The right person will fall in love with you and commit to you.
  • @mundea
    i like how Matthew's content can apply to both men and women, even 17 year old boys like me can draw nuggets of knowledge and gems from this smooth operator
  • Your advice on letting the guy see who you are in different settings, in a family context, work, personal interests, circle of friends, etc, and also to invite him into your life, house, family, etc (as it is timely appropriate) is key!!! That has been my mistake is the past. Even in a very long term relationship, I was always adapting to their life. And our relationship didn't survive and ended in a way that made me feel he just got rid of me the same way a person can get rid of a picture and toss it in the garbage and hang a new picture on the wall. It's like I was two dimensional for him; mostly a receptacle of all his projections. I know, it's sad. But I've learned a lot about my mistake.
  • @catche85
    #13 was really important. Not just about the weekend away, but about being upfront that certain actions/behaviours have meaning to you. I have been out of the dating game for 3 years now and part of that was because I consistently found that things I thought would be generally meaningful to people, actually weren't. And especially for men, they can do a lot of things that don't have any meaning.
  • @bluphx4862
    This was wonderful! I was dating a man and he expected me to fully integrate into his life without coming into mine. When I finally asked for something he said we needed to slow down. We stopped. He didn't have the capacity to give back and that just isn't an aspect of a healthy relationship. I was happy that he showed this part of himself early in the relationship and that it ended quickly. I'm now dating a gentleman that I have done almost all of these with and it is only bringing us closer. It is easy to be together, we have fun yet can have very deep and serious discussions. Congratulations Matthew on your engagement, so happy for you both!
  • I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Maya Angelou
  • As a man, can confirm this is killer advice. As long as there is some attraction, doing these things will put you ahead of the pack. Showing interest is hot
  • @xxyz321
    A bee is attracted to a flower for the pollen and nectar but the vibrant colors of the flowers also help with the attraction … all he’s saying is don’t be a gray flower 🤷🏾‍♀️. Great video Matt 😊
  • @TheLoudseed
    Congratulations on your engagement Matthew! You've been a tough love stranger friend from afar giving me the best advice for so many years. And this is a great video, thank you. 😊
  • @zitttu
    I really appreciate that your content has stayed so enthusiastic, it makes the 17 minutes so smooth, I love these.