Akutagawa meets Dazai for the first time | Bungo Stray Dogs Season 5 Episode 3

Published 2023-07-26

All Comments (17)
  • @aquapr901
    I wish they animated the detail where Dazai put his cloak and Akutagawa cries
  • @definetlynotkira
    Have tou noticed that Dazai's eyes in this scene were purple, just like Mori's?
  • @rebekahtink4996
  • I'm so sorry I know this is an important moment for Akutagawa's character development but I just can't get over how hot Dazai looks here, and his voice when he says "Yes, I can" is so smooth. I keep rewatching that part
  • @akutgawa
    Akutagawa😭😭 my baby i love him so much [sobbing]
  • @rebekahtink4996
    Okay since I spend awhile typing this reply for anyone who's curious this is basically akutagawas backstory: When Ryunosuke and Gin where extreemly young there parents devided that they where both 'burdens' and abandoned them so growing up the Akutagawas lived in the slums. They grew up with about 7-8 other children- Ryunoske being the oldest of the group- and relied on eachother. In his time in the slums Ryunosuke had earned himself the title "The Heartless Dog" as even when adults beat him until he was half dead or when doing somthing nice like enjoying a rare decent meal the boy was said to show no emotions and kept all his feelings hidden under a blank facade. One day a small group of kids returned to there 'home' with a small jewel to which Ryunnosuke  instantly asks where he'd got it from. Apparently a man dropped it after they'd, overheared a group of thungs talking about illegal dealings between themselfs and the 'port mafia'. Quicky Ryunosuke panics (because he knows if they'd been seen the men would hunt them down and kill them) and tells everyone to grap anything important to them bc they need to move as soon as possible. Unfortunately less than a minute later a band of men burst through the door and everyone besides Ryunosuke and Gin (who managed to escape) are beaten to death. Once he'd got his little sister somewhere safe Ryunosuke decided he wanted revenge for his friends whos libes had mattered so much too him. So Ryunosuke headed to the location where he'd been told the deal was going to be taking place but when he got there all the men who'd attacked his home where dead on the ground and only one man stood amoungst the bloodied bodies: Osamu Dazai. Ryunosuke was obviously confused and demanded Dazai tell him what was going on. To which Dazai simply said that he killed the men as a friendly token to Ryunosuke- who just looked at the man in horror and confusion. Then Dazai introduced himself as 'Osamu Dazai a member of the Port Mafia' and told Ryunosuke that he wanted to make an offer. Dazais first offer was that he'd supply him and his sister with enough money to survive for a long while and help Ryunosuke give his friends a proper burial. His second offer was an invitation to the Port Mafia, and Dazai said he'd help make Ryunosuke strong so he could save the ppl he cared about- he would also provide money and shelter to Ryuu and Gin. Ryunnoske was conflicted and Dazai could tell so he asked Ryunosuke what it was the boy wanted (thus the video clip) where Ryunosuke asks "Can you give me a reason to live?" and Dazai tells him that he can. For the first time the dam breaks and Ryunosuke starts sobbing uncontrolably- the first time his heartless exterior broke and he allowed himself to express true emotion. Dazai just smiled and wrapped his coat around Ryunosuke before taking him to the Port Mafia.
  • @popthemop
    IS NOBODY GONNA TALK ABOUT THE “Can you give me a reason to live?” ?????????
  • I wish Akutagawa was shorter here to really hit home how young he was when he was first taken in even if he wasn’t that younger than Dazai
  • @sarahkiyani1254
    What does Dazai mean by 'a new generation of double black' ? Is there a backstory to that?
  • En la historia corta escrita por Asagiri “Un perro sin corazón” se mencionan varios detalles que bones omitió. Cómo el que Dazai mató a los hombres armados que asesinaron a los amigos de Akutagawa. Que ese día que se encontraron por primera vez era justamente el día en que Dazai fue promovido a ejecutivo. Se menciona que “Los rumores cuentan que él (refiriéndose a Dazai) no dudaría en deshacerse de sus padres si ellos se metieran en su camino”, la cual es la única ocasión en la que los padres de Dazai son mencionados (creo yo). Y el detalle de que cuando Dazai le pone su abrigo a Akutagawa, este empieza a llorar. Cuando estaba pensando en esto me di cuenta que esa escena es muy similar a esa escena de Chainsaw man en donde Makima recluta a Denji. Yo creo que la descripción “Un miembro de una organización (Dazai en la Port Mafia/Makima en Seguridad Pública) se encuentra a un joven que vive en la calle (Akutagawa/Denji) y lo manipula para que se una a su organización prometiéndole lo que siempre quizo en la vida (Una razón para vivir/Ser querido y vivir bien), para luego ponerle su abrigo, llevárselo con él/ella (Dazai/Makima) y terminar tratando al chico como un perro” le queda muy bien a ambas escenas.