60 Days In: Top 5 Moments From Clark County Jail | A&E

Check out the Top 5 moments from the Clark County Jail in this 60 Days In compilation.

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"60 Days In" offers an unprecedented look at life behind bars as innocent volunteers are sent to live among the general prison population for 60 days without officers, fellow inmates, or staff knowing their secret.

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コメント (21)
  • "This man is a criminal!" Said the criminal to a room full of criminals.
  • Smartest words: “there isn’t anything in this jail worth fighting for.”
  • Thanks for producing this show. It took the small amount of respect I had for the justice system and completely crushed it. This is a sad world we live in.
  • @JDL_11
    Love how diaundre got up and walked him down like he didn’t even feel it
  • so jail's pretty much a bunch of teenagers who never matured in the right way
  • Dude completely missed a sucker punch on someone who was sitting down, wild
  • I remember seeing a video similar to this situation and all the guards said was “well, what did you expect in prison? you should’ve done what he told you” instead of actually fixing the problem. Yes problems can be fixed in jail there is a jail I forgot what city it’s in but many leave better than before and though every prison has their rotten fruit, most of them learn because the guards actually care to help. God bless
  • @Dreyden-
    The fact they do this stuff in prison shows they deserve to be there.
  • I'll never forget the line "buddy status for a day" he looked pretty happy with that
  • @JOSWAY787
    Dude snuck up on him, got so close and still missed the sneak shot 😂😂
  • 14:44 It is normal that he is in jail if all his crimes have that accuracy. How can you attack someone sitting while eating from behind and fail?
  • It's messed up that you have people in jail for tiny crimes mixed with people who are awaiting trial for huge crimes.
  • These inmates play hard until a 40hr work week comes into the picture
  • @oldman6487
    I am glad they posted this video and I hope that is being seen by anyone who is thinking about breaking the law and ending up here, Seriously is this how you would want to spend you life in this disaster
  • This scene right here shows you how jail and prison can make a person more stupid instead of rehabilitating them.
  • As a person who’s done 4yrs in prison, I can definitely tell you it gets real over them tater tots.
  • Good show, reminds me of my offshore drilling rig days a little minus the violence and crappy food. And junior high.