How Do Wall Hacks Actually Work?

Published 2024-04-15
What does it take to actually cheat in a game? Let’s add wall hacks to Unreal Tournament

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Have you ever wondered about cheating in video games, purely for academic reasons? Join us as we explore wall hacks in the original Unreal Tournament, from reverse engineering the game to injecting custom code - all in the name of research! Subscribe for more gaming adventure

All Comments (21)
  • @teh_hippo
    I genuinely love how you have taken your channel in the last few months. Massive fan. It’s spot on. Clear, educational.
  • @brixt0n
    Are you still me? I created a wallhack for Medal of Honor: Allied Assault for educational purposes. Then I created an anticheat for the community based on my experience. I learned a lot about cheat techniques and detecting injections into an executable this way. Highly recommend experimenting with this!
  • @metalspoon69
    Would love to see a video on "external" wallhacks where instead of injecting code you read process memory to determine the locations of players and draw an overlay over the game window.
  • @ZynSays
    Every time you end a line you give the camera this absolutely incredulous look before the cut, I love it. I mean this entirely positively, it's got a charm to it.
  • @thomastorr1983
    Let's make this game a popular sport again! I have been playing all the Unreal games recently. The original Unreal game simply called Unreal has features that the other games don't have, such as a completely different weapon set (terran weapons) that you can alternate between by double tapping the number keys, a weapon that can grow, plants that can grow, and of course an entire single-player/co-op campaign. Please mod all the features of Unreal into Unreal Tournament
  • @st0rmw1ndz
    I love the format/style of your videos. Really easy to follow and see where you're thinking. Not to mention the topics themselves are super interesting
  • @scottkappel3011
    Your channel has become one of my favorites. This content is incredibly entertaining and educational. Watching you navigate all of this with such ease is extremely fascinating
  • @RandomByte89
    Thanks for the great video Nathan. BTW at 11:36 what tool did you use to get the disassembly?
  • @SianaGearz
    I'm sure there have to be ways to verify the gog installer! Someone might have fingerprinted the installer with a checksum. You can check cryptographic signature on the installer executable. It won't check the appended archive data but it will check that the executable is known and not malicious. In turn the game installation, the unpacked archive data, can be by all reason checked by gog galaxy. There is no rule against owning multiple gog accounts, downloading your offline installers and using the games with galaxy after installing them.
  • @dminik9196
    Using the texture is pretty neat. This works similarly to the popular cs1.6 wallhacks. The main difference is that that game used different glBegin mode for different models. Triangle strip and fans for players and something else for everythig else. One trick I used was to split the depth buffer. Near (0-0.1) for the players and the rest for everything else. This way, players would render on top, but their vertices would still be sorted and displayed corectly.
  • @IOSALive
    Nathan Baggs, Your videos always brighten my day, so I subscribed!
  • @Nesh108
    Really good video, great job Nathan!
  • @oo0speed0oo
    Amazing. Your content is always interesting.
  • @_Pawelski
    I dont understand a thing but still watching every video of yours. This game patching and mod loaders making sure needs a lot of skills. It always interested me but seems like it takes years to be that good
  • @Death2u_
    Never seen it done this way before. It's always finding the player entity then using reclass to find everything from there.
  • I'd love to see a video on cheating devices like the XIM and MSI Meg, and more importantly, if there's anything anti-cheats could do to stop such devices.
  • @deanrumsby
    Wow, very cool! Thanks for the great videos! 🙌
  • @kbkmn
    sometimes i run UT just to have fun on ctf-face by myself. Jesper Kyd is awesome