HUGE Bronze Changes! Story Mode Raiding, Alliance V Horde & Much More

Published 2024-05-25
A lot is happening! Blizzard has taken action on the Gulp Frog situation, buffed Bronze in MoP Remix, has introduced a new 'story' raid mode, and much more!
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All Comments (21)
  • @sebonesiful
    I think for the next 'remix' style or similar event we need two currencies, bronze for cosmetic rewards and something else, like scrap, for equipment upgrades (which could also drop by scrapping equip). That way it would also be easier to balance the amount of currency rewarded
  • @victuss1413
    I'm in the minority here, but as somebody who has played since vanilla...i feel the war between the alliance and the horde is played out. just let them engage in "war games" for pvp and let us guild/raid/dungeon whatever with whoever.
  • @mejfuz
    Michael's favourite word has been updated from cooking to class 😄
  • @adamfroggett845
    Turalyon is one of my all time favorite characters in the warcraft lore. I was honestly blown away when they brought him back in legion. I really want him to develop as a quality character and still the good guy.
  • @CosmicCleric
    Bringing back faction conflict just for the sake of it is bad storytelling, especially with everything the factions have experienced already, and the cooperation they did together for mutual survival against world ending events, multiple times. There needs to be growth in not only individual characaters, but in featured societies.
  • @Beldoras
    Honestly dont see why we cannot have a story mode where we run dungeons and raids similar to delves with npcs or even our alts eventually we know they can do this since its done on Exile's Reach, if its because raids and dungeons are too hard take out all that mechanics bs
  • Lightning Surge is fun to use... but there's so few zones where you're going to fly near a wall long enough to build the 10 without cutting out time in direction you actually want to fly
  • @miggs8
    I remember waiting years for Turalyon to return, hanging out with Arathor. He was kinda the main charcter of the Alliance until he disappeared. He remembers orcs as bloodlusting fel-savages because he has never experienced the orc honor arc.
  • Some grounds mounts could have an ability for wall climbing. That could be cool.
  • @BritGirlJay
    Don't think you mentioned it, but if you have a 70 in remix, with trinket/neck equipped/earned, your other alts can buy those at any level for 10 bronze at the gem vendor. You're welcome.
  • @tehtayziez
    Oh god, please do not give blizzard the idea that we need to be back to horde vs alliance. Its literally the biggest reason that faction conflict is a joke, because the amount of times that the factions learn to put aside their differences, only to turn around and pick a fight again with no availability for nuance, this is the main reason it feels stupid and soft, because instead of having a strong villain to fight, theyre just reluctantly hitting each other until somehting causes them to learn the lesson they learnt a week ago already. It's not that "its soft when the factions are friends". There is plenty of ways to give wow its edge, to have groups within the horde and alliance be antagonistic, without forcing players into another cycle of "we've learned a better way!" Then immediately going "but actually remember that time the orcs did that thing?" And rendering the entire previous expansion story useless or worse, into a joke, just so we can have capture the flag be a game mode still. Horde vs alliance is beyond burnt out and it makes literally zero sense narratively (has since Wrath) that the factions are split by race, or that the factions end up fully warring with one another and at minimum, you should be able to choose your race and faction independently. In fact, thats the reason why we got the whole sylvanas SL insanity, because they needed to crowbar in some reason why the horde and alliance needed to fight each other, despite the fact most of the horde was no longer happy doing so.
  • Also some ground mounts could have a lunge ability on a 10-15 second cd. So I don’t have to swap to a flying mount to cross a small gap
  • @ShellworldGames
    Story difficulty as mentioned is a step in the right direction, and you are correct that it needs to include the full raid while utilized the Follower Dungeon feature as well. Follower Raids are the natural next step from Follower Dungeons, and could be a great way to tell the full story. It would even be acceptable if Follower Raid availability was delayed until weeks after other raid difficulties had been available.
  • @davelray
    Story mode not being available till final wing of LFR doesn't work. By that point, we will have seen the end in a youtube video already.
  • @weatheredseeker
    I might be wrong but I seem to remember that frog farming was an OP method that got nerfed with the original timeless isle release too
  • @MatzeDude1
    Finally a story mode for raids. That is all I wanted from the game since forever. I don't give a flying fuck about gear. I don't enjoy dungeons or raids with other players, as they tend to rush through or are just ridiculous toxic. I dropped out from the game back during Cata, but I came back now during DF. With Story mode I will definitely stay with the game for longer.
  • @sioc7478
    I feel like Blizz should allow us to hide a glove like we can with shoulders. There are so many transmogs that I would love to build but when you hide a shoulder that one glove on the other side is so bulky! I would have expected that before us hiding our pants in-game. This was my request instead of something for the skyriding abilities :)
  • @kanyewest4917
    Modern Faction Tensions Writing Alliance character: You are stinky because you are Horde Horde character: 😢 aww man