Army chief breaks protocol to warn about possible full scale world war

Published 2024-06-06
“I think that people in the MoD will be listening to what he said and they'll probably be be a bit annoyed by the fact he's been so candid with us.”

General Sanders made “controversial comments” to The Times’s Larissa Brown about the state of the British army being unprepared to take on a conflict of the scale of the Second World War.

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All Comments (21)
  • If you really want us to fight for our countries, Let us have our country! Let us be able to afford to buy houses and give us the freedom to have families…
  • @gardnert1
    Try having a country worth fighting for first.
  • @musiklovers3189
    The young people are not fighting these old miserable evil men wars. They can send their own damn children. 💯
  • @nickgood8166
    I served 40 yrs back but if I was young now, I would not rally to the colours. It is not my country anymore. Many ex-servicemen feel thus.
  • @Beornwulf525
    I wouldn't waste my breath for the corrupt shower that's in parliament right now.
  • Britain's army is pathetically small, its criminal what both parties have done to the military.
  • @Akenfelds1
    Although I'm aware that military officers are not supposed to make policy statements, I also think the time comes when it's in the public interest that a general wakes everybody up.
  • @humanist_oba
    Interesting that theres always a possibility for war, but the possibility for diplomacy and dialogue is never initially considered.
  • @DJFAmenHeavy
    Disgusting what Labour and Tories have done to our forces.
  • Imagine thinking these young people are going to fight for a government that has made their lives miserable.
  • They can count me out. Why would we fight for a country that has betrayed us.
  • It's a tiny army, true, but who wants to die for the US or Ukraine?
  • @ukraine7249
    Served on a few ops as Patrick sanders as his engineer recce Sgt in Iraq 07. When he speaks you’d better listen. He’s an incredible leader and his men loved him. As an attached arm I got to observe his battle group from the outside. 4 rifles was an outstanding unit under his command
  • @joealcamo8901
    The perception is why would any soldiers go fight a bogus war?
  • @war-painter
    “Fascism encourages contempt for democratic institutions, particularly elections, and the rule of law. Instead, it calls on the majority group to turn over power to a strongman and his lieutenants, while glorifying the use of violence in support of fascist myths and goals.” —- Public Leadership Institute, 2022
  • @Wanderer2035
    Our governments practically took away our abilities to retire, meaning we have to work until 90+ years old just to survive. That alone is already reason enough to not fight and die for a country like that
  • @danieljames2015
    Stop talking about our hollowed out forces and do something about it. Follow Poland's example and buy external off the peg if necessary. This is all Politicians fault.