[4K] 第17回 釜山世界市民祝祭 투어 | 2022 Global Gathering. Busan S Korea 🇰🇷

#sabuzacwalker #제17회부산세계시민축제#GLOBALGATHERING2022

🇰🇷🎋부산시(시장 박형준)가 주최하고, 부산국제교류재단(사무총장 정종필)과 (사)문화복지공감(대표 이경혜)이 주관하며, 부산출입국·외국인청, 부산시설공단, KF아세안문화원이 후원하는 제17회 부산세계시민축제가 3년 만에 오프라인 행사로 돌아왔다.

  부산시는 10월 2일 경기시나위오케스트라의 개막공연을 시작으로 오전 10시부터 오후 6시까지 부산유라시아플랫폼 야외광장(부산역 광장)에서 제17회 부산세계시민축제를 개최

  이 날 대사관, 총영사관, 문화원 등 주한 외국공관을 비롯한 부산지역 외국인커뮤니티, 유관기관 등 35개국 56개 단체의 약 1만여명 세계시민이 각국의 문화와 공연을 소개하고 서로 소통·화합하는 시간을 가지는 시간이였다.

국가별 부스에서는 전통공예품 전시와 에티오피아 커피 체험, 모로코, 중국, 인도네시아 등 다양한 국가의 음식 체험 및 관광 홍보기념품 배포 등 세계문화를 직·간접적으로 체험과

메인무대에서는 몽골, 인도, 카자흐스탄, 필리핀, 아프리카, 한국 공연팀의 민속공연이 펼쳐지고 또한 외국인 주민이 직접 경연자로 참여하는「세계민속문화 한마당(All See Go!)」과 세계시민 누구나 현장 참여가 가능한 세계의상콘테스트에서는 국가별 특색있는 공연 및 런웨이 열렸다.

  2층 옥상광장에서는 한중일 아동우호그림전 미디어 전시와 갓 만들기, 라이스 클래이 디저트 만들기, 몽골 유목민들의 전통가옥인 ‘게르’를 직접 체험도

  박형준 부산시장은 “이번 부산세계시민축제는 코로나 앤데믹 시대를 맞아 3년 만에 오프라인 행사로 개최되는 만큼 시민들이 좋은 추억을 만들 수 있도록 다양한 볼거리와 즐길 거리를 마련했다”며, “부산 속의 세계문화와 세계 속의 한국문화를 함께 체험할 수 있는 이번 축제에 많은 관심을 부탁드린다고 했다.

Hosted by 🇰🇷🎋 Busan City (Mayor Park Hyung-joon), organized by the Busan International Exchange Foundation (Secretary General Chung Jong-pil) and Culture and Welfare Sympathy (CEO Lee Kyung-hye), and sponsored by the Busan Immigration Office, the Busan Facilities Corporation, and the KF ASEAN Cultural Center, returned as an offline event in three years.

  Starting with the opening performance of the Gyeonggi Sinawi Orchestra on October 2, Busan City will hold the 17th Busan World Citizens' Festival at the outdoor plaza of Busan Eurasia Platform (Busan Station Square) from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m

  About 10,000 global citizens from 56 organizations in 35 countries, including foreign missions in Korea, including embassies, consulates, and cultural centers, introduced cultures and performances and communicated and harmonized with each other.

In booths by country, you can experience world culture directly or indirectly, including exhibitions of traditional crafts, Ethiopian coffee experiences, food experiences from various countries such as Morocco, China, and Indonesia, and distribution of tourist promotional souvenirs

On the main stage, folk performances by Mongolian, Indian, Kazakhstan, Philippines, African, and Korean performance teams were held, and at the All See Go!, where foreign residents participated as competitors, and the World Award Contest, where all citizens of the world can participate on-site, special performances and runways were held.

  At the rooftop plaza on the second floor, media exhibitions of Korea, China, Japan, children's friendship painting exhibitions, making gat, making rice clay desserts, and experiencing the traditional house of Mongolian nomads

  Busan Mayor Park Hyung-joon said, "As the Busan World Citizens' Festival is held as an offline event for the first time in three years in the COVID-19 and demic era, we have prepared various things to see and enjoy so that citizens can make good memo

コメント (7)
  • 🙇‍♂️영상을 재미있고 유익하게보셨다면 구독과 좋아요 부탁드립니다. 항상 Sabuzac Walker 의 채널을 찾아 주셔서 감사드립니다 If you enjoyed the video in a fun and informative way, please subscribe and like it.  Thanks for always visiting Sabuzac Walker's channel. 🙇‍♂️🙏💕🌷
    Good evening my friend.. nicr sharing with us
  • Watching now. More videos ahead and stay connected. Big 👍👍👍👍👍. Salamat lods.