I am therefore I think by Karl Friston

Published 2020-01-05
Karl Friston speaking at the 6th International FQXi Conference, "Mind Matters: Intelligence and Agency in the Physical World."

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All Comments (10)
  • The slides shown in the youtube video are slightly different than those in Presentation
  • The font is broken on the third column ("Complex (Quantum) systems") in the expression Ī“=?/2m. What is that question mark?
  • It's not often I watch a talk and 10 mins in and I do not even know what the talk is about...
  • The only way to not understand this very clear conference is to be a hard materialist... This guy is intelligence manifested...I did understand immediately all of what he speak about because he is COMPLETELY CLEAR ....The only difficulty to understand in his free energy principle, save the mathematics, is to understand that there exist NO ABSOLUTE separation between subject and object, the "markov blankets" define the porous frontier between the 2...No materialism could exist at all like a sound perspective now... Adios! Cartesian dualism, welcome! Spinoza and Goethe...A non Peircean semiotic is necessary a Goethean semiotic like the one dreamed by Ernst Cassirer....Which symbolic forms could be interpretated to be related to these "Markov blankets" ... Adios Heideggerian beings ! Welcome Cassirer sacramental multidimensional consciousness...Goethe vindicated....
  • @Robis9267
    He is rathar bad presenter, even though theory is interesting
  • @Gerardemful
    I used to admire Mr. Friston until he outed himself as a cheap nationalist in his Guardian interview.
  • @Snakeyes244
    No idea what this guy is even talking about. Very bad speaker imo